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I saw figures making their way towards the ship. I quickly ducked down making my way towards the kitchen, and hiding inside. "So they wanna ransack the ship huh?" I thought to myself as a few creature feature looking things climbed aboard with swords in hand as they looked around. "Put them up there." One of them said, and through the window on the door I saw one of them carrying Zoro on his back, and another carrying Sanji. Luffy looked to be floating on air.

I narrowed my eyes throwing the kitchen door open scaring the things walking around. The one carrying Zoro dropped him, and I internally cringed at the resounding thunk that followed.

I charged at the bigger of the three using my whole body to ram into him knocking him off balance. He swung his sword at me, but I ducked under it wrapping an arm around his waist before chucking him in the ocean. A small black cloud floated out of the water, and I looked at it quizzically before turning back to the other two. The one that held Zoro now wielded an axe while the other just watched in awe with Sanji dangling from his hold.

"She extracted the shadow from our brother!" The star struck one said in surprise. "We must inform the Master!"

Sanji's body was dropped to the deck as well and they scrambled off the ship in a dust cloud. Luffy's body was left on the ramp. I sighed in annoyance glancing over at Zoro who was snoring at the bottom of the staircase.

I kicked him lightly in the side, but he didn't budge. "Figures. Of course you three would be the first ones to be caught."

I set them all up on the deck while I waited for the rest of the crew to come back because I had a feeling they would. I slapped their faces and tried to wake them up, but the three sat against the mast sound asleep. I myself began nodding off when I saw Franky's large body in the distance and stretched myself out.

"Took you guys long enough." I called just as they reached the ramp. "What happened to these three?" I pointed a thumb in their direction.

"Looks like you kept the Sunny safe." Franky praised.

"Well of course. I couldn't let those...ugh things do as they please."

"You mean the zombies." Robin smiled, and I blushed in embarrassment.

"Yes the zombies." I replied.

Chopper began to yell at the three snoring away, but they remained still.

Usopp huffed, and I raised a brow at his smirk. "Just watch this." He laughed brimming with confidence. "Oi there is a beautiful lady swordsman carrying a ton of meat!"

The three lazily opened their eyes.




Luffy spring back to life fist ready to land in someone's face with a shout. "Give me back my shadow!"

"Moria isn't here dumbass." Franky said grabbing his face making me chuckle.

Zoro was mumbling to himself about dishonor and dreams when I pointed out his shadow is missing as well as Sanji's. I plopped down on the bench surrounding the mast. "This felt familiar listening to Brooks story about his shadow, but being here and seeing it. Robin do you know anything?"

"We ran into Brook and he explained the situation to us. One of the Seven Warlords Gecko Moria is here, he steals shadows with his shadow-shadow fruit powers, and then uses those shadows to reanimate the dead. They have one weakness, and it's salt. The ocean will nullify the affects of Moira's devil fruit powers, and salt has enough power from the sea to essentially purify the zombies sending the shadow back to the original owner."

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