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I left the bar my crew laughing behind me having had well over enough to drink. Jet and Lulu already making their way towards the dock. Kai put a hand on my shoulder as I looked out into the night. I could see a figure jumping across buildings, or at least I thought I did. I rubbed my eyes trying to clear my drunken vision. Kai murmuring to himself eyes searching for what I was.

In the dim light of a street lamp I saw a woman. With long blonde hair, her cloak swishing with the breeze. Briefly our eyes met, and she yanked up her hood over her face disappearing into the darkness. I wanted to follow, felt compelled to follow, but Kai pulled me back.

"Let's get back to the ship." He slurred his words grip firm on my elbow. He tugged me towards the dock Jet and Lulu much farther ahead of us. Their giggling echoing down the empty street. I shrugged filing away the mystery woman to the back of my mind. I needed rest and lots of water I groaned thinking of how much tomorrow morning is going to suck.

As we made our way back to the ship I couldn't shake the feeling we were being followed. The other ships and the little fishing boats rocked against the dock. The ramp of our ship coming into view. I looked back instinctively catching a figure slinking into the shadows once again. Was it the woman?

Alarm bells rang in my head as we stepped on to the ramp. Jet and Lulu already below deck. Kai and I stood on the deck. I looked back out into the alleys.

"Ui?" He asked me the drunken words sounding more sober.

"I think we were followed." I stated, "I think it was the woman we saw at the bar. The one in the cloak."

"You're drunk and seeing things." His voice filled with amusement. "Let's get you to bed." He stepped forward wanting to help me to my cabin, but I shook him off.

"I'm gonna stay up for a bit. Just in case. Why don't you sleep for a few and I'll come get you to take over when I get too tired."

"Whatever you say my beautiful Captain."

I rolled my eyes crossing my arms over my chest. "Yeah yeah." The redness of my cheeks hidden in the darkness.

He looked like he wanted to say more, but just gave me a half assed salute before following the rest below deck. I sighed taking a seat resting my back against the mast.

It wasn't long before slow rocking of the boat started to lull me to sleep. My head pitching forward causing me to sit up with a start. I cursed knowing I wouldn't be able to stay up. I didn't want to go down and get any of the others.

A strange noise broke my thoughts, and I stood up looking out towards the town. I'm just hearing and seeing things. I sighed seeing a dog walking along the dock. "It's just a stupid dog." I sighed about to turn around when I was swiftly pinned to the railing. A knife held to my throat catching me off guard.

"A stupid dog indeed." A feminine voice said softly. A hint of smirk hidden in her words.

"And who might you be?" I asked ignoring the race in my heart. Amateur I thought to myself.

"A wanderer. I know you saw me, and that's bad for me. Especially in these parts."

"Well had you not shown yourself I would've written it off as a drunken hallucination, but you followed me and that was your mistake." I almost laughed freezing time and shoving her to the ground. Pinning her to the deck allowing time to start again. "Now why don't you tell me who you are, and why you followed us. Then we can go on our merry way or I throw you over board."

Getting Around the World in One PieceWhere stories live. Discover now