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I raced through the groves too many emotions running through me at once to stop. I was afraid I would go running back knowing the distance is becoming greater. I headed in the direction of where the sub was in the hopes he was still there. What would I do if he wasn't?

Just then a large blast made me stop. I could hear people fighting when I thought I heard someone shout Kid. Curiousity got the best of me and I changed course coming across a bridge high up looking out to see a large figure fighting a bunch of smaller figures. The one thing that stood out to me was the collecting of metal arms that came down on the large figure. I recognized the blue sphere and rushed forward. The closer I got the closer I realized they were fighting Bartholomew Kuma!

The large guy from the auction house that joined Law was taking him head on. He was thrown back, and I jumped into the fray. "Long time no see Kuma." I didn't hesitate rushing forward coating my arm in Haki before punching him square in the chest yelling at the top of my lungs as I pushed forward the ground crunching beneath me. With every ounce of my strength I shoved my fist deeper into the metal of his stomach sending him flying.

Unfazed he got back up walking forward in a very robotic way. "Eliminate the immediate threat."

"Something is off with him. He looks like Kuma, but he isn't. Just a heads up he's been modified, and called himself a pacifista when we ran into him not too long ago."

I turned back around, and could practically feel the dropped jaws of the crews. The captains themselves hid it better, but I could tell they were impressed. Not intimidated, but impressed none the less. I whipped around hearing a strange beeping sound. Kuma had his hand held out and some sort of light was collecting in the center. Remembering the fight at Thrillar Bark I knew to jump out of the way from the beam that was about to fire.

I stood next to Trafalgar watching just as he did as the other crew members attacked. They were easily knocked back completely overwhelmed by the pacifista.

"I think we need to get away." I told Law breathing heavily. "He's just too overwhelming."

Law looked at the members of his crew all in the same shape as the rest of us. Exhausted and barely holding on. We continued to dodge beam after beam that was shot at us. Explosions were damaging our hearing and singing our clothes. Silently agreeing we all rushed away.

Dodging the beams and the explosions as we went. Kid was hot on our heels his crew mixed with ours. I was breathing heavy panic rushing through me like a bullet realizing that Luffy and the crew could very well be in the same situation we are.

I forced the thought from my mind. Law was creating room after room transporting us as far as he could leaving Kid behind as the distance became greater and greater. No longer having to dodge we just sprinted as fast as we could towards the submarine. We could hear Kid's crew yelling behind us, the explosions much quieter, and I sighed in relief.

We were rushing to the sub just as another of the pacifista's stepped out of the shadows. The explosions from the beam he shot from his mouth knocked us all back. Law made another room but the blue sphere flickered before dying off. I concentrated for a moment a time bubble slowly creeping around the crew as it grew larger the pacifista froze in place another beam stopped in mid air.

"Go!" I yelled rushing ahead of the crew to get to the obnoxious yellow sub. Once on deck I held the time bubble just long enough for the hatch to close over my head. The explosion rocked the sub as the edge of the island was blasted apart. We submerged beneath the waves safely. Going deep into the darkness of the water.

I watched hanging on to the metal stairs as the crew rushed around doing their routine. Each member seeming to have their own agenda working like a well oiled machine. The hum of the engine was much calmer than the sounds from up above I was surprised to still hear. Just very faintly.

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