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There were lingering thoughts in my head, but I shook the thoughts away as we quickly rushed from the room running out and up to the deck. There was a marine engaging us, and already too close for comfort. Everyone was ready to defend, and a nervousness I didn't know I had settled in.

"You were doomed from the start when your ship sailed in front of me Time Killer. Now you're going to learn your place."

"It's the Straw Hat's! Wait that flag! It can't be!" The voices of the marines finally reached our ears. "She disappeared months ago! Lieutenant look!"

Right at the helm of the marine ship stood a man I didn't recognize. Lieutenant he says?

"Oh? If it isn't the infamous Captain of the Time Reaper Pirates. It must be my lucky day. Engage the pirates! We're taking them in."

The marine's bellowed out a war cry now close enough to set their hooks on to the ship. They all piled on yelling and spouting threats with their weapons already drawn.

Luffy and the crew were already prepared to attack, and the front line was easily taken down. My eyes landed on the bloodied bodies as they groaned and I froze.

"Deal with the flies and give us a show."

"You don't look like you're much of a challenge. And your bounty is so high." A large man towering over me was smirking as he held out his blade. "I think I'll have fun playing with you."

All I could see was Azura's face, and I couldn't breath. I need to run, and get out of here. He brought his sword down, and I just barely dodged it.

"Don't be like that. Be a good girl and come quietly."

He's gonna take me back. I don't want to go back. Crazed eyes glanced around, and I could vaguely hear someone yell my name.

Again I side stepped rolling across the deck to get away. He cursed under his breath, and I stood back up. Everyone was taking down their own opponents, and Luffy was battling with the lieutenant. I was on my own.

He swung his sword again putting more power behind this swing than the other ones. I wasn't quick enough to dodge this time, and he cut into my shoulder.

I was frantic now, and instead of side stepping I stepped in to the marine his sword cutting even deeper than before, but I was so blinded it didn't register right away. I pulled my fist back, and punched him in the gut. He coughed and sputtered his body crumbling to the deck. I pulled his sword from my shoulder. "You're not going to take me back to that place!" I yelled breathing heavy. Confusion spreading across the marines face. I brought the sword down stabbing him in the heart. I yanked it back, and he sputtered, and I stabbed him again. Then again until he was no longer moving, and when he stopped I realized it wasn't Azura I was looking at. The rest of the nearby marines stared at me terrified for a second. "She's bat shit crazy!"

The ones who were around me took a step back. Then another, and they turned tail and ran back to the ship, knocked out lieutenant in their arms.

"Ui? Are you okay?" Chopper was walking towards me with his hooves up as if approaching a wounded animal. My mind was racing, and the sword fell from my hand clattering to the deck. "I don't want to go back." I whispered. "He was going to take me back."

"Come on let's go stitch your shoulder."

I just nodded not meeting anyone's eyes. I had just killed someone because I had lost control.

Chopper cleaned the wound, and stitched me up. "You won't be able to use that shoulder for at least a week."

I nodded still staring at floor. "Do you want to tell me what happened?"

Getting Around the World in One PieceWhere stories live. Discover now