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"Sanji weren't you going to save Nami?" I asked as the wide eyed cook stared at me. "You're looking a little worse for ware."

Just then Oars sat up rubbing his head before standing back to his full height. "Think we can bring him down again? That one time was just luck I think." I said looking around noting where the other crew members were.

"Straw Hat Crew you better be ready!" He bellowed. "Time Killer Ui I'm coming after you first!"

"Ui what the hell are you doing down there!? Sanji you too!" I heard a small voice yell, that was most definitely Usopp, from a distance.

We didn't have a whole lot of time to respond before Oars roared again pointing down at Sanji and I. "There you are!"

"Oi Luffy you really gonna beat up your own crew!?" Sanji yelled discarding his broken cigarette.

"Huh? Luffy is my enemy my name is Oars, and I'm supposed to kick your ass." He brought his arm back, and I was worried about whether or not he could stretch. "Gum Gum..."

"He can't stretch can he?!" Sanji yelled preparing for the attack.

"It doesn't seem like it." I commented preparing to jump.


Oars's arm came down fast, and my legs were almost caught in the attack had I not used the shave technique Quinn taught me to move out of the way.

Sanji on the other hand attacked the monster with one of his signature moves, but it didn't get him very far. In fact Luffy's Zombie even managed to catch him.

I tsked hoping that I could get him to drop the cook, but the probability seemed low. Regardless I launched myself at Oars landing a solid punch on the inside of his wrist.

Usopp seemed to have the same idea, and shot his firebird star at his head, and the combo seemed to do the trick. With a flick of his wrist though Sanji was sent rushing towards the ground, but I managed to catch him at the last moment.

"Phew." I said checking for any major injuries before laying him down to rest. "You're one lucky bastard." I said shaking my head.

What happened next was so fast I couldn't have anticipated it. Oars looked towards where Robin and Chopper were before distracted by Franky, Zoro, and Brook. The giant jumped up taking the tower they had been standing on tumbling to the ground.

Franky and Brook jumped to the lower level while Zoro launched an attack that cut Oars' tooth only to be launched so high we could barely see him. Just barely disappearing into the clouds before free falling.

I could hear Chopper shriek, and my heart pounded in my chest knowing at the speed he was going there would be no way I could catch him. Thinking fast just as Robins spider net was created I reached towards him with my powers slowing his descent just in time for him to rest gently against the ground.

"You guys are going to give me a heart attack." I commented looking back down at Sanji who was still unconscious. I laid him as comfortably as I could on a large flat chunk of the mansion before turning back to to the fight.

There was another loud boom, and Oars quickly dodged Franky's attack. Punching another of the towers and ripping off another. He lifted it up about to bring it down on Robin, Chopper, and Usopp who had come from inside the mansion.

Usopp fired his salt star, but stopped. "Did it work?" Sanji said sitting up.

"I doubt it with that huge body." I replied watching as I sucked in a breath when Luffy's zombie brought the tower down on the bridge my new friends where standing on.

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