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"I didn't know where else to go."

"So you came here? Because you knew Monkey D. Luffy's next stop would be Water Seven?"

"The Captain has kept a close eye on him. There are only a few islands before Saboady, and he wasn't far."


I could still hear voices, but for some reason I just couldn't open my eyes. It wasn't long before I had fallen back into a deep sleep.

I had just finished my drink setting the glass down on the counter with a dull thunk.


I nodded my head turning to look towards the door. It wasn't long until a man with orange hair and a wicked grin burst in hopping up over the counter a large bag in tow. "Do me a favor and lose them!"

The bartender began to protest but a group of men with swords came charging in ripping the door off it's hinges. "Where did that little bastard go?" He hissed pointing his weapon at us threateningly.

I took a sip of my drink pointing a finger towards the slightly open door at the back of the bar. The leader smirked looking me over. "Smart woman." He said motioning for his goons to follow him.

When they were gone I downed the rest of my drink. Tossing some berri's on the counter. "For the door. Thanks for the drinks." I said with a wave.

The man with the orange hair jumped after me. "Hey wait!"

I raised and eyebrow at him when he put an arm over my shoulder. "Thanks for that. You want half of this? There ain't much, but it's the least I can do."

"Personal space dude." I smiled sweetly lifting his arm from my shoulder and swung myself under. "Why don't you come aboard my ship, and we'll count it. I'm sure if they don't find you in that alley they'll continue looking."

"I like the way you think. The name's Kai. You say you have a ship. You a pirate or something?"

"I'm Captain Ui, but I don't have much of a crew. Or anyone actually." I put a hand behind my head nervously with a laugh. "But I will have a great crew someday."

"Sure." He said, and I lead him aboard the small ship. It was larger than a fishing boat, but it certainly wasn't suited for a crew. It consisted of a two person cabin and a small storage space under the deck.

We sat at the small table in my room and count out the gold. "Do you have a dream?" I asked him leaning back after I count out my share though I never intended to take it.

"A dream?" He asked me skeptically.

I nodded with a smile encouraging him to continue.

"I suppose it would be to have a family. I've been alone for too long. Do you have a dream?"

"I just want to see the world." I smiled. "Come see the world with me. We can take it over."

He seemed to choke on his words spilling the coins he was almost done counting. "You can't be serious?"

"I'm dead serious. You're already a wanted man in a sense. I would imagine those guys weren't the only people you've stolen from."

"I only steal from bad guys!"

"Stealing is stealing." I say matter of factly. "Is that a yes?"

"If I decline?"

"Then you'll be back to being alone. I'm offering you friendship." I smiled holding out my hand. "I won't let my friends down."

Getting Around the World in One PieceWhere stories live. Discover now