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Chopper and I had just finished my physical therapy when Usopp came bursting in. "We made it to the island!"

Chopper ran out of the room in excitement, and I watched as everyone looked on in awe. There was a large hill that over looked the town. The port was small, and the village was homely. It didn't take long for everyone to scatter, and I looked up to the tiny house on the hill. It's now or never I thought to myself.

"Do you want to do this alone?" Luffy stood beside me following my gaze.

"No, you can come. Chopper is going to come with me as well." I said smiling at the reindeer as he stood at the bottom of the ramp bookbag in his back as he waited. "I promised Lulu I would cure her sister, and I intend to uphold that promise."

Luffy nodded, and the three of us walked the trek up the hill. The closer I got to the house the more I realized I was walking slower until I stopped completely. Just what was I going to say?

Luffy's hand brushed mine, and I glanced over at him. He offered a small smile, and Chopper touched my leg offering comfort. "Let's go."

I stood in front of the door about to knock when the door was opened. Diane's face greeted me with a smile. "I saw you coming from the window. Who are your friends dear?" The old woman grabbed my hand squeezing gently opening the door for us to come in. Just as I had seen her last she wore a simple cotton dress, and a yellow apron. She was old, but you wouldn't know by just looking at her. There were a few wrinkles around her eyes, but that was all the proof you had of her being over forty.

"I'm Monkey D. Luffy, and I'm going to be King of the Pirates." Luffy declared and the old woman's eyes widened in surprise before she smiled warmly.

"And I'm Tony Tony Chopper!"

"My, my and a talking reindeer. I think I've seen it all."

"How is Faith doing?"

"Not any better, but not any worse either. She still hallucinates when she gets worked up. Poor child."

"Is it alright if my friend Chopper here takes a look at her? He is a talented doctor."

Chopper blushed lowering his ears in embarrassment. "Why of course! You three go ahead, and visit. I'll put some water on for tea."

"Luffy I don't want you being loud and rowdy. You can't get Faith all worked up."

Luffy nodded smiling as I lead them down the hallway to her bedroom. I knocked on the door opening it a crack. "Faith? It's Ui, I came to visit, and brought some friends. Is it alright if we come in?"

"Of course! Ui it's been so long since I've seen you!" The younger girl beamed at me, but began coughing right as we came in. "Sorry. Who are your friends?"

"This is my childhood friend Luffy, and Tony Tony Chopper. Is it alright if he takes a look at you?"

Faith smiled at us. "Sure. Are you friends with Lulu too Luffy? Did she tell you about my condition? I think she worries too much."

Luffy looked at me clearly unsure what to say. "Faith Chopper is the doctor." I laughed. "He is helping Lulu. Why don't you listen to some of Luffy's stories while Chopper looks you over? There are some things I need to discuss with Diane."

"Okay. Does that mean you guys are pirates too? That's so cool!" Faith started to go on and on about her own dreams, and I left them to their own devices.

Walking back into the living room I saw Diane was already sipping at tea. "I knew when I saw you at the bottom of the hill something had happened, and you arrived on a ship that wasn't yours. Five months ago I saw you all had gone to the New World." She set her cup down with a low sigh. I stiffened no longer able to move, or look her in the eyes.

Getting Around the World in One PieceWhere stories live. Discover now