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I had intended to use the pulley system, but Luffy had other plans using his rubber abilities to shoot us up to the deck. He had his arms wrapped around me securely, but the impact of the landing was still jarring.

Looking around I was almost relieved. The damage wasn't as extensive as I thought, and Tamara's make shift mast was quite the sight. She had cut the charred piece of mast off and fused the pieces back together with something she made and tin sheets.

"Your ship is looking pretty beat up." Luffy said dumbly, and it irked me to hear it from him.

"Oi. This ship is beautiful. You shut it." I said shoving a finger in his chest.

"I didn't say it wasn't." He grinned at me, and I huffed in annoyance.

"You should've seen what it looked like when it was first built. Galley La is the same company who built Kronos."

"Kronos?" Luffy questioned.

"Don't you know anything about me?" I questioned waving a hand in the air. "Allow me to enlighten you after all these years. I ate a devil fruit while sailing in the Grand Line. I didn't know what it was until later. It's called the scry-scry fruit. It allows me to control time, and see images of the present when I hold objects connected to people. Kronos is the Father of time so its a fitting ship for a crew known as the Time Reaper Pirates. And this..." I fished a purple rock out of my pocket, and Luffy looked at in surprise.

"Is that...?"

"Its the rock you found and gave to me yes." I smiled happy that he remembered, but of course he would. Luffy always remembered the little important details like that. "I could see you sometimes. If I held it and concentrated enough."

"That's so cool!" He yelled with sparkling eyes. "Can you show me more?"

I smirked stepping back. "If you want me to. Try to hit me." I said crossing my arms in front of my chest.

"Why would I do that?" He questioned. "Chopper told me not to be rough with you."

I rolled my eyes. "Trust me Luffy you won't be able to punch me."

He smirked accepting the challenge. "You asked for it." He said pulling his fist back. "Gum Gum Pistol!" His fist shot forward towards me at the speed of a bullet.

"Freeze." I whispered watching in satisfaction as his fist stopped a few inches from my chest. Luffy himself had a look of determination on his face, but I knew it would be replaced with surprise in a few seconds. I walked behind him letting time start again before shoving him forward.

"What the?" He stumbled his fist bouncing on the ground harmlessly before flying back to him. "Where did you go?"

"You didn't try very hard." I said leaning against the railing.

"What did you do?"

"I stopped time. You don't know how to use haki yet do you?"


I shook my head. "Another day. Try to hit me again."

This time he didn't hesitate to throw another attack. Instead of stopping time I slowed it down. His fist looked like it was trying to fly through syrup, and Luffy's expression slowly became one of surprise and wonder before I side stepped once again. Time flowed like normal, and his fist soared past me going high in the air before snapping back.

"You have to show the crew!" He said excitedly, and I didn't like the look on his face as he wrapped his arm around me before sling shotting us through the sky before I could protest. I screamed this time watching as the ground came back to us at breakneck speeds. Using my powers on instinct I slowed time allowing Luffy and I to land calmly.

Getting Around the World in One PieceWhere stories live. Discover now