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I was now sitting in front of the fire with Luffy's head in my lap. I smiled brushing his bangs from his face as I recalled the stories he told me. It didn't take long for the party to die down leaving Luffy and I alone, and the last two awake.

"Did you know they have islands in sky?" He had told me as we looked at the stars.

"That can't be true. How do they float? Wouldn't gravity bring them down?"

"I don't know how it works, but we went to one! Maybe when you sail with us we'll find another." He smiled his eyes shone with happiness and excitement. "I'm really glad you're coming with us Ui." He looked at me with an expression I couldn't read.

"Me too Luffy."

"Will you tell me some stories?" He asked me.

I nodded, and told him all kinds of stories. At some point he fell asleep and I fell silent. Light snores and the occasional mumble could be heard by the group of people. Even the citizens had joined us at some point most having returned to their own houses.

I looked down at Luffy with a small smile. Seeing Luffy after all this time made me want to burst in happiness. He had a way of getting everyone around him to be excited, and just all around happy and content.

He shifted in his sleep, and his face scrunched up and I furrowed my eyebrows. Was he having a bad dream?

"Ui." He breathed out, and I rested my forhead on his.

"I'm here Luffy." I whispered and he relaxed humming in relief. I kissed his forehead my lips lingering before I pulled away. I couldn't help it when I glanced at his parted lips wondering what it would be like to kiss him. Before I knew what I was doing I leaned forward our lips just barely touching when I pulled away in surprise at my own actions shaking my head. He's asleep for heaven's sake! That's so wrong. I blushed hoping that everyone was indeed asleep and hadn't witnessed the almost kiss. I sighed getting more comfortable as I leaned against one of the large log seats someone had set out for everyone.

I continued to play with Luffy's hair smiling when he leaned into the touch. "I love you." I whispered to him leaning down to wipe crumbs off his vest. "I love you more than anything."

I leaned back glad he was asleep while I drifted off myself, but had I been more observant I would've noticed the smile that spread across his face at my words.

The next morning was the day we were setting sail. Franky had come to get us saying the ship was completed and we were currently getting our supplies down to the ship. I had seen Tamara off, and was just now getting back to the safe house to get my own stuff ready to go. I had already discussed what we were going to do with my ship, and the Franky family had offered to watch over it. They moved it to a safer place away from prying eyes. They even offered to make it brand new for when I return, and I planned to someday. Everyone was excited, but I was frantically searching for my pirate flag.

"Luffy you had it last where did you put it?"

"It's a surprise don't worry Ui. I'm not so dumb as to lose your flag. Come on let's go see the ship. Everyone is already on their way!" He was jumping up and down, and I couldn't stay mad at him.

"Alright let's go." I pulled on the backpack filled with my stuff trying to keep up with Luffy who took off with me in tow. When we reached the shore we all widened our eyes in shock. The ship was not only huge, but beautiful as well. The figure head looked like a...sun? No definitely a lions head.

"Wow." I said and Luffy tugged on my arm, and I glanced at him.

"Look up there." He pointed with a cheshire grin. I followed his finger to see that my flag was flapping in the breeze under Luffy's flag.

Getting Around the World in One PieceWhere stories live. Discover now