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"Don't let him touch you! I watched him touch someone and make him disappear!" Nami informed us. "Those hands are dangerous."

"This is insane! We just fought one Warlord and it took everything we had. Now we have to fight another one!?" Usopp was in hysterics and shrieked as Kuma appeared not far away from us.

Lola's crew were the first to engage him, but were easily knocked back, but I didn't understand his powers enough to know what was happening.

"Stop!" I shouted and everyone in Lola's crew stopped their advance. "I will handle this."

"If I had known you were running around with Straw Hat Luffy I would have stepped in sooner. Why take a side line seat in the battle?"

I rolled my shoulders. "They were handling it." I said sounding more calm than I felt. I ran through multiple strategies knowing if I didn't end this sooner rather than later he really would kill me. I was in no state to fight this battle, and neither are the rest of the crew. I was the only one who could do this.

"You're going to die here." He said, and I took a deep breath getting in my battle stance.

"We'll see about that." I said clenching my fists launching myself at him punching the ground where he once stood. He jumped at me hand raised as if he was going to slap me, and I jumped out of the way. His powers making a paw prints form on the rubble around us.

I launched at him again the ground cracking and breaking underneath me. "Freeze." Kuma froze mid teleportation his body in the air. I landed a solid punch to his gut reeling back with a scream as I lost control of my powers, and time started again.

I heard the crack from my hand hitting his stomach and I fell to the ground. I cradled my hand the pain shooting up arm as I became dizzy with pain. I painted heavily forcing myself to stand up swaying on my feet. "Just what are you?"

He didn't respond shooting another attack at me. I quickly dodged, but realized I wasn't his target as I heard Franky call out in pain. "Oi your opponent is me Kuma!" I shouted at him.

"Just look at his hands!" One of Lola's crew members shouted. "He has paw prints on his hands!"

"I'm a paw print human." Kuma said standing back up straight.

I had to think. I didn't have time to play games. If only I was at full strength! God I felt so weak. I cried in my head as I looked around to see everyone's labored breathing. My eyes found Luffy who was laying flat on his back looking like he was standing at deaths door with Chopper frantically rushing between him and Franky.

"How could he possibly have knocked Franky back from the front!" Usopp cried.

"It must be air pressure. Any normal cannon would have no effect." Robin pointed out always being the quick witted one. I cursed narrowing my eyes at Kuma who remained emotionless.

"Air repelled at the speed of light is strong enough to blast through anything." Kuma said before putting his hands on his knees and pounding his feet into the ground like a sumo wrestler. "Enough games. This ends now Time Killer Ui."

"Like hell!" I shouted back bracing myself for his next attack.

He thrust his hands forward invisible pads rushing past me as I flipped and danced my way through them. "Pad cannon!"

"Captain." Kai breathed smiling at me as he held his hand out for me. "You can't be a good fighter if you're always so stiff."

"I am not stiff." I huffed using my legs to swing myself up onto my feet. He just smirked putting his hands in his pockets.

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