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Oars geared up to give Nami a punch. "He can't stretch can he!?"

"You don't think he can reach her do you?" Chopper said nervously biting at his nails.

Zoro was giving orders to move Franky. While I had an internal debate about what the hell to do. My body refused to move, and I just sat uselessly among the rubble. Robin glanced at me occasionally, and I just waved her off leaning against a large chunk of the rock. My hand on my shoulder that would most definitely need to be stitched again. Chopper won't be very happy with me, and I can just hear Luffy's loud voice in my ear. The thought of him giving me a lecture made me smile though.

A loud boom forced my thoughts to be pushed aside as I cursed at myself. "He couldn't have stretched! He wasn't a minute ago!" Zoro yelled.

"There's Nami!" Sanji said rushing forward only to see the Robin had managed to catch her.

We breathed a sigh of relief as she landed safely next to all of us. "Are you okay Nami?" I asked her.

"Just a little shaken up." She said out of breath.

"Moria must have done something to him." Usopp said setting Franky down with gently next to me. "That's the only explanation."

"This has to be the worst case scenario." Zoro grumbled putting his sword back into his mouth lifting the other two up as he got in his fighting stance.

"Hey now that I can stretch I feel better! Now I'm really gonna kick your asses!" Oars laughed, and if he could smirk I bet he would be right now. "Gum Gum Whip!"

We all ducked and rolled away from the attack screaming as we did so. "Now we really are up against a Giant Luffy!" Usopp shrieked from behind Brook.

Now it was an all out defensive battle. Now that Oars somehow was given Luffy's power to stretch we barely had time to think of a counter attack. It was hard enough to fight a giant with Luffy's fighting abilities, but with his devil fruit powers as well? There was no way we could win.

"Gum Gum Bell!"

Oars launched multiple attacks on us as we scattered like mice trying to get away.


"How is it he can stretch like this!?" We we're all thinking the same thing, and as Moria laughed at our confusion we knew it had to be his doing.

"It's common sense! The shadow will follow the body, and with my shadow-shadow powers I can make the body follow the shadow!"

Moria began to demonstrate by using his own shadow to manipulate Oar's shadow. Making his body do all kinds of weird things, and finally rolling him into a ball as Oars was forced to follow through and roll around the island to try and crush us.

"Hey Master this is my fight! Don't be interfering!"

"Oh fine fine I'll just continue to assist then."

"Wait where's Luffy?" Nami asked us.

"He was tricked by Moria, and we're not sure where he is." Usopp answered. "He wasn't defeated though I know it. He'll be here sooner or later."

"Then we have to hold up in the mean time?!" Nami yelled, "How are we supposed to do that?"

"Wait Zoro you can't just go right in!" I yelled at him, but the swordsman refused to listen.

"Throw me at him like you did Franky, but charged with your electricity Nami! And Robin can you spin me?" Brook was saying as he dusted himself off looking at us with a determined look on his face.

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