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We all sat around the table laughing, and having a good time. He went on to explain his devil fruit to us, and how he has really been dead for quite some time.

Nami held a mirror in front of his face, and the skeleton began to freak out. "Ah put it away! Put the mirror away!"

"Ahh!" Chopper yelled, "You can't see his reflection!"

Usopp then held up garlic claiming he was a vampire, and pointed out his lack of a shadow. To which Brook explained why he was here in the first place. "And that is why I decline your offer to join your crew. Despite meeting you and giving me a new hope I cannot accept."

"Well hold on wait!" Luffy said slamming his hands on the table. "We're not strangers we're friends aren't we? So just tell us who took your shadow, and we'll get it back together!"

"Oh dear I hadn't expected you to be so kind. Even so I will not say. You cannot make me."

Stubborn bone man you thought to yourself before your eyes landed on something white coming out of the wall. Brook noticed to with a loud shriek causing everyone to panic. "It's a ghost!"

There was a loud shuddering groan followed by a vibration. We all went outside to see a dark looming island in front of us. Brook jumped up on to the top of our figure head tipping his hat in our direction. "I thank you for the delicious food, and I advise that you try to break through the gate and escape. Do not anchor here! I must give my thanks for you all giving me such a wonderful day, but it's time we part ways. Yo ho ho ho!" And with that he jumped down, and I rushed to the edge the only thought in my head is that he was gonna sink. What I saw made my eyes widen in surprise. He was running across the water!

"Guys let's go get him back!" Luffy said. To which Nami, Chopper, and Usopp all began to protest.

"I'm kind of interested to see what's on this island. And someone who steals shadows? I feel like I've heard that before." I said leaning against the railing.

"Ui I want you to stay on the ship." Luffy said, and you turned around narrowing your eyes at him.

"You're not in charge of me." I countered. "I'm still a Captain, and a captain with a higher bounty than you." I said pointing a finger at him. He huffed in annoyance.

"Chopper said it's better you stay on the ship."

You glanced at Chopper who sheepishly hid behind Zoro. "Did you really say that?"

"It's just temporary until we can learn more about your disorder."

"Chopper regardless of my disorder as a pirate captain I can't afford to appear to have a weakness. I'll just be targeted more, and I don't want people thinking I'm weak."

"There is no weakness in admitting your limits." He replied, "And even if more people come after you we're pirates at risk too! We protect each other, and we'll protect you no matter what."

I'll protect you no matter what.

"I don't need to be protected. I've had enough of people protecting me." Turning on my heel I headed down to my room. If that's how they want to play then I could play too. I smirked to myself as I listened to the ship groan as the soldier dock system was activated. I decided I would wait until they all left before going to the island myself.

Nami, Usopp, and Chopper were the first to go. After a few tears were shed about the Mini Merry 2 which Luffy was sad about not being able to ride as well. Usopp seemed to be the most excited as he was jumping up and down talking about the Merry being reincarnated. Everyone except the older mature crew members were praising Franky.

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