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I hadn't left Luffy's side since we have followed Boa to her home island within the Calm Belt to hide away from the government. I was not interested in seeing Amazon Lily despite being told it's like a jungle. I had to admit I was intrigued by the idea. I couldn't bare the thought of being absent if Luffy woke up. Knowing he watched over me without food weighed heavily on my mind. I would do the same so I am present if there are any changes.

If he wakes up I reminded himself. I could hear faint steady steps heading towards the infirmary that grew louder as the person stood outside the room. I turned to see Law stepping into the room. Our eyes made contact, but neither of us spoke.

The beeping of Luffy's heartbeat kept the silence at bay. "You should get some fresh air." Law commented after a few moments breaking the silence. My gaze fell back to Luffy whose breathing remained steady. He didn't even twitch.

"I want to be here when he wakes up." I said matter-of-factly. He crossed his arms over his chest with a sigh. That familiar blue dome enveloped us as he transported us outside the sub.

The transition was just as jarring as the first time. The uneven ground had me teetering on my feet. "Fresh air will do you good." Putting a hand on top my head he forced me to sit down.

Admittedly the sea air felt good compared to the stale air I had been recycling. "Haw Law forced you out of the sub?"

My eyes met Jinbe's as he gave me a weak smile. He was still grieving just as much as myself. The two weeks spent waiting for Luffy to awaken had my heart aching. Ace's death left a hole within me. More than anything I wanted to indulge in Luffy's antics. Take my mind off things, but tears blurred my vision. I closed my eyes looking to the ground. My tears falling to the grass.

Jinbe handed me a bowl of soup that didn't look too appealing. My stomach grumbled loudly so I took the bowl with shaky hands sipping at the contents. It was much better than expected. I hummed in appreciation setting the bowl next to me when I finished.

I glanced at the sky for a moment deciding that I had had enough fresh air. I stood up to walk back to the sub. "I haven't thanked you for doing all this." My voice was soft with emotion as I spoke. "I can't thank you enough."

"Don't thank me yet." The darkness in his voice had me freezing in place. "He hasn't woken up because he hasn't decided if he wants to live on. It's up to his will now."

"Of course he would want to live on!" I fired at him. "This is Luffy!" My breath caught in my throat. Was I trying to convince myself? After everything I've been through I'd be lying if I said I hadn't thought of suicide. I drifted towards the sub, but an explosion put my body into overdrive.

"What happened?" Alarmed I turned to Law who ran past me as well as Jinbe to look over the edge of the bay.

Just then Luffy came popping out of the top of the sub crashing landing to the ground. He can't be moving around like that! I screamed in my head rushing forward, but the scream of anguish that came out of Luffy halted me in my tracks.

"ACE! Where are you?"

The crew rushed forward to try to stop him, but Luffy was too strong. Shoving everything and everyone out of his way. I was scared to step forward. He was clearly having an episode. Maybe experiencing the same thing I had when I woke up in Water Seven.

"Law you have to do something!" I turned to him, but his nonchalance only pissed me off. "You're going to waste all the effort you put in to saving him!" I accused grabbing him by the shirt. I didn't care that tears were falling down my cheeks.

Luffy took off into the forest knocking up trees as he went. Before Law could retaliate I dropped him to follow after Luffy. I just had to get to him. Help him calm down so Law could make sure he was okay.

Getting Around the World in One PieceWhere stories live. Discover now