4- The Signs

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"Taeyong wait up" Doyoung followed after the older, catching up in a matter of seconds.

Doyoung brought them to one of the small benches that littered the island.

"What's wrong Tae?" Doyoung rubbed the older's back comfortingly.

"It's not on the map"

"What's not on the map?"

"Nothing, none of what is supposed to be here is on the map."

"Can I see it?"

Taeyong handed Doyoung the slightly crumpled paper. Doyoung examined the map carefully.

"Where is it supposed to be?" Taeyong pointed at a space on the map where, true to Taeyong's word, nothing was marked. It was all just trees and rivers.

Doyoung checked the map's creation date. It was this year, so why was nothing there?

"Why did I think this was a good idea?  None of my ideas are good" Taeyong rested his face in his hands.

"Tae don't say that, it's not your fault"
Doyoung reached over and turned Taeyong's face towards his, cupping his cheeks.

"Calm down okay? You're doing amazing. You spent all this time planning all of it without any of our help. We literally wouldn't be here without you." Doyoung finished, wiping the tears that had run down Taeyong's cheeks with his thumbs.

"Stop crying you dummy" Doyoung giggled as Taeyong's face immediately went from touched to annoyed. "Whatever" Taeyong looked away at the ocean. "Aww does someone need hugs?" Doyoung asked, spreading his arms out and wiggling his fingers.
Taeyong sighed, giving in to the youngers embrace.

Pulling away Doyoung giggled cheekily. "How about a lil kiss?"
"No" Taeyong rolled his eyes and started walking back to the others.

"Awh, come on Tae~" Doyoung persisted. "No"

Doyoung sighed overdramtically. "You hear that? Hear how sad I am?" Doyoung sighed again for the extra effect. Taeyong rolled his eyes once more.

"Tae hold on, there's something on your face" Doyoung pointed to a dirty spot on Taeyong's face. "I'm not falling for it Doyoung" Taeyong continued walking. "No seriously, there's something there"

Taeyong pulled his phone out to check it in the camera, but he realized it had died on the ship. "Just, get it for me"

Doyoung nodded, reaching his hand up and wiping away the smudge of dirt. Taking his chance, Doyoung pecked the older's lips.

Taeyong didn't have time to be embarrassed as their little moment was cut off by a chorus of squeals from the boys who they hadn't noticed for some reason.

"What the fuck you guys are so cute~" Ten fanboyed.

Taeyong flipped him off, walking over to the rest of the group.

"Anyways, we were exploring a bit and we found some signs that had arrows and directions on them" Kun mentioned.

"You guys could've just come and gotten us-"

"We did, but Ten kept saying "lets not ruin their moment" and shit like that" Jaehyun motioned over to Ten who was still wiggling around in pure fujoshi fashion.

"Let's just get going, it's getting dark soon." Johnny started leading them towards where the signs were.

After about thirty minutes, they had come to the last sign, which didn't have anything on it but a circle.

"So..what do we do now?" Taeyong walked around the other boys, looking for something.

A lot of bush rustling later and Taeyong found a small opening in the foliage.

"Guys you should come see this"


dotae: just bro tingzz 😜😳🤪🤧🤭

I need to stop

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