15- The Theory

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"This wouldn't have happened if you had dried off properly" Mark dabbed the cold cloth around Johnny's forehead.

"I know I know, you keep saying that like it'll make a difference" Johnny sighed.

"Don't get smart with me young man" Mark shook his finger at Johnny

"Okay grandma" Johnny rolled his eyes.

"I'm gonna go check on Doyoung, Don't die while I'm gone"


"Hey Doyoung, I'm just checking in on you since you've been awfully-" Mark paused, seeing a distressed Taeyong and a confused Doyoung.
"Did I interrupt something here?"

"No, but I need to talk to you for a second" Taeyong pulled Mark out of the room.

"I need you to gather everyone in the livingroom"

"What for?"

"We need to discuss what's been happening"

Mark turned to walk away but stopped
"Johnny too?"

"You can recap for him later, he needs to rest"

Mark nodded and began his mission.


"I've called all of you here to talk about what's happening."
Taeyong paused briefly, preparing his words.

"Even though you might not want to talk about it, we have to discuss the dying" A sad expression appeared on most of the boys' faces, except for Mark.

"Before Shotaro died, I saw someone at the top of the stairs-" Taeyong paused, motioning towards Jisung.

"I'm not saying or implying that it was him" Taeyong reassured.

"But I do think you know something"

All eyes were on Jisung, who had a very panicked look on his face.

"I-I don't know anything. Even if I did I couldn't tell you" Jisung said the last sentence in a whisper.

"We'll get back to you" Taeyong turned his attention to the whole group.

"Any contributions?"

Jaehyun raised his hand

"I've been thinking a lot about Kun's death and every possible solution leads back to..you, Taeyong"

"Elaborate please"

"Shotaro was found by you and Doyoung, correct?"

Taeyong nodded

"And you claim to have seen Jisung at the top of the stairs. You had been downstairs making dinner the entire time, meaning no one else was downstairs to see you place the trip wire"

"Kun, he was cut by a sword that was hidden in the ceiling when he pressed a certain key" Jaehyun walked over to the piano, pointing at the key that was last pressed.

"Now, Whose family owns this hotel? Taeyong's, and who found Kun and Taeil first? Taeyong." Jaehyun turned back to the group.

"My theory? Taeyong planned this entire thing to kill us all"
Jaehyun paused, walking up to Taeyong.

"But, I don't know one thing"

"That thing is his motive. He may want to kill us but what for? Obviously not money, or self gain, So what is it?"

"You think I did all of this? Setting this trip up was enough for me. Besides, if I put a trip wire down, that would mean everyone would trip over it, not just Shotaro."

"Then what about Kun?"

"That, I can't explain to you, because I didn't know there was a piano here in the first place."

"It was never here when you came here before?"

"No it's the first time I've seen it"

Jaehyun narrowed his eyes at Taeyong, before sitting down.

"Hey Taeyong can you come with me a sec?" Mark asked, not waiting for an answer and pulling Taeyong to a secluded corner of the room

"What's up?"

"I have an idea"


"How to prove you're innocent"


"Okay, my plan is, lock you in your room for like three days, if something happens while you're gone, then you're not a killer"

"Actually, that's not too bad. But what if the others get suspicious?"

"I'll tell them you got sick from Doyoung"

"Alright, I'll do it"
The two finished their conversation, oblivious to the person listening in.


??? POV

They're getting too close, Jisung almost told Taeyong it was me, and he's already told Chenle I suppose.

If throwing Taeyong in his room for a few days and not doing anything while he's in there is going to prove his guilt then I might as well not tell the others about it.

"As long as they don't touch J"


Who do ya think J is?
ill give you a hint, its not Jaehyun..

Or is it?

Guess we'll have to find out

Oh yeah, I'm doing a face reveal to celebrate 2k on my oneshot book so you collect the pieces on the chapters that have them and I'll make an announcement when all of the pieces are released.

It's a puzzle but not a very hard one as I've give you a grid

They're spread around this book and the oneshot book

a surprise?

It's a puzzle pi-

Or it's a cute jungwoo thing

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Or it's a cute jungwoo thing

sike here you go

sike here you go

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