11-The Piano

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"Hey Mark? Where did you go last night?" Johnny asked, raising his attention from his phone.

"I-i didn't go anywhere, what are you talking about?" Mark replied nervously, shifting his eyes to certain spot in the room.

"We were right next to eachother, how could I not notice you leaving at like three am?"

Mark sighed, he knew he couldn't get out of this one.
"It was gonna be a surprise but.." Mark trailed off, walking towards a drawer in his dresser.

Pulling out a small red box, he handed it to Johnny, mumbling something about being more stealthy.

Opening the box, Johnny found a small rock, painted to abstractly look like him, or a cow, he couldn't tell.

"I went down to the beach last night and y'know, painted that"

"Aww, what's it for?"

"I dunno, anything really. I just saw you were kinda annoyed because you and Ten were fighting-" Mark was cut off by Johnny hugging him tightly, almost crushing his ribs.

"Thanks Markiepoo"

"Jesus christ please don't ever call me that again"


"Johnathan I swear on our goth mother-in-law I will slap the shit out of you"

"heh, gotta blast" Johnny rushed downstairs, almost bumping into Hendery on his way down.

"Sorry Hen" Johnny called from the bottom of the stairs.

Johnny was about to keep running but was tackled by Mark.

"I gotcha now fucker"

Mark was about to take his revenge when his head was pushed forwards, effectively making him kiss Johnny.

"YES, FINALLY" Ten rejoiced in his efforts. He had been trying to make them kiss since he first met them. It was apparent that the "best friends to lovers" trope was his favorite.

Mark pulled away, a bit shaken if I may add.

Glaring at Ten, Mark walked back upstairs, quietly shutting his room's door.

"Hey! What was that for?" Ten whined after recieving a punch on his arm.

"Why would you do that? Now everything is gonna be weird between us"

"Is it my fault for making the ship happen?"

"YES" multiple people across the house said in unison.

"I'm not ready to tell him yet"

"I get that, but don't you think I'm doing you a favor by giving you "accidental" kisses together?"

Johnny sighed, standing up.
"I'm going for a walk"


"Hey Kun~"

"What is it Jaehyun?"

"You ever notice that piano in the corner?"

"No- wait what?" Kun glanced to the corner of the living room. Lo and behold, there was a piano in the parlor that they somehow had never noticed before.

"Can you play it for me?"


"How about you play it for me?" Taeil walked into the parlor, glass of water in hand.

"Fine, but only for you" Kun walked over to the piano, sitting down at the bench.

He started just playing scales forwards and backwards. Quite simple but that was pretty much all that he learned from the two classes he took.

"I guess you two are whipped" Jaehyun sighed.

"I'm gonna go take a nap." He said, walking upstairs.

"What's up with him?" Kun asked
Taeil shrugged.

Kun decided to play something less boring. Hitting one of the smaller black keys, a small slicing sound was heard after.

"Oh holy fuck"

oops- a cliffhanger

hehe guess you'll have to wait until tomorrow ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

sUrPrISe qNa tiMe

what trope/concept is your favorite?

personally i have one i like to call anger management.

its where character A is arguing with character B over something and then all the sudden someone kisses someone and it either goes two ways from there-

Either they end up hating eachother
Or they end up together

it really has no buisness being my favorite

kay bye

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