24-The Apology

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Yangyang sat on the couch, unsure of what to do.

He couldn't go back to his own room since Ten would still be there and it would no doubt be awkward.

He could always ask Jungwoo and Lucas to switch their rooms back, but then he would feel bad for separating their time together.

"Whatcha up to?" Jaehyun walked into the room, sitting next to Yangyang.

"Questioning my existence"

"So why are you in the living room?"

"I can't go back to my room, it'd be too awkward"

"Why would it be awkward? Did you walk in on Ten naked?"

"No, we had a fight"

"About what?"

"He's been ignoring me" Yangyang's face turned sour at the memory.

"He's too obsessed with shipping you guys and hasn't paid any attention to his own boyfriend" Yangyang huffed.

"Sucks" Jaehyun turned his attention to the TV, switching through channels.

"Really? That's all you have to say? No advice or anything?"

Jaehyun shrugged.

"Whatever, I'm gonna go stress eat"


"Dude, what are you doing?" Lucas asked, seeing Ten pacing around their room.

"I'm trying to think"

"About what?"

"About what I did wrong"

"What'd you fuck up this time?"

"I have literally no clue"

"How do you not know what you did?"

"I haven't been paying much attention to anything recently"

Ten paused, Lucas could practically smell the gears burning in his head.

"..OH MY GOD" Ten looked like he had just found a twenty four carat diamond ring in a bottle.

"You've had your epiphany?"

"I need to go see Yangyang" Ten rushed out of the room, almost tripping over his own feet as he ran downstairs.


"Yangyang, are you in here?" Ten called out, searching around the kitchen.

Yangyang held his breath as Ten neared his postion in the cabinet.

"I'm getting..really worried Yangyang"

'Tsk, for first time this week' Yangyang rolled his eyes, crossing his arms in annoyance, and accidentally hitting his elbow against the cabinet door, swinging it wide open.

"Found ya" Ten sighed, seeing small tears forming in Yangyang's eyes.

"Come on, we'll get you a bandaid" Ten offered his hand, but it was ignored by the younger.

"If you keep being so stubborn then it's gonna hurt even more"


Ten smiled, lifting Yangyang out of the cabinet.


"All better now hm?"

Yangyang just sighed, hopping off of the counter and walking towards the door.

"Yangyang-" Ten paused, seeing Yangyang walk out of the door. Ten shook his head, walking upstairs to the balcony.

"Yangyang, I'm sorry" Ten called out, unable to see past the dimmed lights that were in the garden.

"I'm sorry I ignored you for so long. I really didn't mean to but, I get distracted with stuff."

"I don't deserve to be your boyfriend" Ten dragged his eyes across the grounds, looking for any sign that Yangyang was still there.

Turning around, Ten was met with a familiar face.

"Were you there the entire time?"

"Yup" Yangyang had been sitting in a small deck chair for the entirety of Ten's apology.

"Will you forgive me?" Ten took ahold of Yangyang's hands, a pleading look in his eyes.

"Kneel down"

Ten complied to his boyfriend's orders.

"Baby, I owe you a huge apology. Will you let me make it up to you?"

Yangyang looked out towards the sky, spreading his vision across the stars.

"You have one day, Don't waste it"

Ten smiled, bringing Yangyang's hand to his forehead.

"I wont"


"Yo have you guys seen my charger-" Johnny was cut off by Ten shushing him, motioning to Yangyang who was snoring, clutched onto Ten.

why are you looking for your charger at 12am?

bcuz my phone is at like 2%
and i cant sleep in silence

i think i saw it in the kitchen


Johnny had quickly left after recieving Ten's text, leaving the couple alone once more.

"I'm glad you like me, even though I'm a massive dumbass"

"You're wrong about that" Yangyang mumbled

"About what, me being a dumbass?"

"No no, you're completely stupid"

"Then you don't like me?"

"Nope, not even a little bit"


"Because I love you" Yangyang giggled at Ten's expression, pecking his lips cutely.

"I love you too"


does this grocery list make sense to you?

i could never understood what he meant by "subzero noonday nourishments"

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i could never understood what he meant by "subzero noonday nourishments"

the actual list says

-oil filter
-ground Turkey
-coffee k-cups
-pop tarts
-frozen lunch
-frozen fruit juice

my dad is weird

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