23- The Ignored

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"Why were you gone so long?" Mark asked, facing towards the five boys who had just walked in.

"Chenle kept throwing that duck at me" Yuta replied, throwing an evil glare at Chenle, who wasn't paying attention to them.

"I need you to go check if Johnny needs help or not"

"Why wouldn't you check?"

"He's not talking to me and mumbling something about cheese"

Yuta sighed, walking towards the kitchen where Johnny was chopping a banana.

"Why are you cutting bananas?"

"It's for dinner" Johnny said absentmindedly.

"What are you making for dinner then?"


"Bananas don't go on cheeseburgers John"

"Yeah.." Johnny wasn't even touching the banana anymore, he was just slicing air.

"I think you need to go back to bed" Yuta said, taking the knife from Johnny and pushing him towards Mark.

"No no, I'm completely fine" Johnny tried to reassure Yuta, but only earned a 'really?' look from him.

"Back to bed" Yuta waved a spatula threateningly towards him.

"Okay okay" Johnny raised his hands in surrender and started walking upstairs.

Trying to find his room, Johnny walked around the hallway, unsure if he had just seen Eric Nam walk into Jeno's room.

"Yoo, Eric, man where ya goin?" Johnny slurred, walking to Jeno's door  and accidentally smacking his face on it.

Johnny jiggled the doorknob but to no extent as the door was locked, or so he assumed.

Pressing his ear against the door, he heard some words in a language he couldn't make out, and then someone who he presumed to be Jeno started screaming the lyrics.

Mumbling most of the lyrics, Johnny was surprised when he had started screaming the chorus, effectively almost bursting his eardrums

"nananananananananana danger braymen, I WANNA BITE YOU"

"What's even going on in there?' Yangyang asked, startling Johnny.

Johnny shrugged, going back to finding his room.

"He's just showering, ignore him" Jaemin said from behind Yangyang.

Yangyang let out an 'oh' and let the two boys walk past him, Renjun giggling at something Jaemin had shown him earlier.

Yangyang sighed when Jeno's door closed, feeling a bit envious of them.


"Yo, yangyang" Ten called.

"Yangyang" Ten said louder, but was ignored by the younger who had his earbuds in but could obviously hear Ten.

"Why aren't you answering?" Ten asked, sitting behind Yangyang who had closed his eyes.

Taking out one of his earbuds, Ten licked his palm, holding it close to Yangyang's cheek.

"If you don't answer me, I'll touch you"

Yangyang stayed silent.

"You asked for it" Ten placed his hand on Yangyang's cheek, dragging his palm up Yangyang's face.

"Gross" Yangyang whined, wiping his face off with Ten's sleeve.

"Why'd you do that?" Yangyang attempted to make an annoyed face, only to end up with Ten squishing his cheeks.

"Because, you weren't listening" Ten smiled, but it looked more like an evil grin.

"Whatever" Yangyang huffed, wrapping himself in his blanket and turning around.

"What's wrong?" Ten asked, poking at Yangyang's back.


"It's obviously something"

"I said it's nothing, go back to taking pictures of Hendery and Xiaojun"

"Fine, maybe I will" Ten grabbed his phone, and walked towards the door, but stopped when he heard small sniffles coming from behind him.

"Seriously, what is wrong with you?" Ten asked, sitting beside him.


"Stop saying that"

"I don't understand" Yangyang mumbled

"Understand what?

"Why everyone gets to have a good time here"

"Have you not been having fun?"

"No, I've been having lots of fun"

"Then why-"

"Because someone has been ignoring me for the past few days"

"Aw, I'm sorry, who is it?"

Yangyang crossed his arms, the anger extremely apparent on his face, yet still holding that bit of sadness. I say a bit but in reality it's buckets upon buckets overflowing in his soul.

"The only person I've liked since preschool"

"Carrie? But she's not-"

"You absolute dumbass" Yangyang shook his head, grabbing his phone and walking towards the door.

"If you can't figure out what you did wrong, then stop trying"


ok I forgot this the first time but the song that jeno is screaming is this-

its gonna be real fun when you guys finish piecing the puzzle together because it's an old picture and im shaving my head.

alright i need yall to vote

Melanie - suggested by kpopcrackheadsksk

Nora Marie - suggested by httpsjvvn




i have some pretty basic names on hand.

now i gotta go take pictures for my art collage

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