10- The Cuddles

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Mark and Johnny had headed back to their room after the movie finished, Mark asking to cuddle because he was scared.

"Go to sleep Mark" Johnny mumbled, feeling Mark wiggle around against him.

Mark opened his eyes, locking them with Johnny's
"Do you like Ten?"
"No? why are you asking me that?"
"You sound unsure"
"I don't like Ten, I like someone else"
Mark hummed, closing his eyes.


Yangyang sighed, unable to fall asleep. He had forgotten to bring his special stuffed animal.

ten can you come here

its 2am


-_- fine


Yangyang looked at the door expectantly, waiting for Ten to come in.

He heard two doors open, one person headed downstairs while the other one came to his room, not bothering to knock since Jungwoo was still downstairs with Lucas.

"What is it?" Ten asked

"I forgot Mr. Numnums"

"That was all? You woke me up at two am because you forgot your bunny?"

"Don't say it like that, you'll make me feel bad" Yangyang mumbled.

"So why am I here?"

"Cuddle me"



Ten gave Yangyang a look, giving in and laying next to him.

"Take off your shirt"


"Just take it off please" Yangyang pouted

"Well since you asked so nicely" Ten said in a mocking tone, peeling his shirt off.

"Thank you~" Yangyang smiled sweetly, clutching onto Ten like a koala.

"You're lucky I'm so nice"

"More like whipped for me" Yangyang giggled, pecking Ten's chest.

"Don't do that" Ten stared at the wall in front of him, internally dying.

"Why? Because it makes you blush-" Yangyang was cut off by a painful flick on his forehead.

"Oww, why'd you do that?"

"Because you're annoying"

Yangyang let out an angry 'hmph', crossing his arms and facing the ceiling.

"I'm not annoying" Yangyang mumbled.

"Sure you aren't" Ten snaked his arms around Yangyang's waist.

"Go to sleep baby"

"Don't call me baby. I'm like seven feet taller than you"

"If that's what you wanna think" Ten kissed the top of his head.


Renjun sat up in a cold sweat, frantically looking around at his surroundings.

"Jeno?" Renjun examined the dark room.

"Nana?" Renjun tried more desperately.

Renjun panicking, began breathing heavily, trying to grip onto anything near him.

"Injun? Why are you grabbing my arm?" Jeno groggily mumbled.

Renjun sighed in relief, throwing himself on to of Jeno.

"What's wrong baby?" Jeno asked, playing with his hair.

"You and Nana-" Renjun hiccuped.
"You- you left me- with my- dad"

"Shh, baby, it's alright, we wouldn't do that. You know that, right?"

"Why are you two up this late?" Jaemin asked, flipping on the light.

"Injun had a nightmare" Jeno sighed.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you guys up-" Jaemin pecked Renjun's lips.

"Stop it, it's not your fault. Besides, if you hadn't woken us up then would I be able to do this?" Jaemin kissed Renjun's nose, making the older giggle cutely.


"Aww, you're welcome baby" Jaemin smiled, pulling Renjun in between him and Jeno.

"Jeno? Are you alright?" Renjun asked, concern splattered on his face.

"No, I'm fine, you guys go back to sleep" Jeno said quietly.

The two boys gave eachother a look before turning back to Jeno. Jaemin stood up and turned off the light.

"Scoot over Jeno" Jaemin slightly pushed him towards the middle of the bed.

"What's wrong Jeno?"  Jaemin asked,


"Fine, if you won't tell us then I guess we have no choice but to cuddle you to death" Jaemin smiled sweetly, latching onto Jeno's side, Renjun doing the same.

Jaemin reached his hand over Jeno's tummy, interlocking fingers with Renjun's

"Jeno~ love you~" Renjun kissed Jeno's cheek, making the older flush a light red.

"What Renjun said" Jaemin said, not wanting to be sappy but at the same time he placed a small kiss on Jeno's lips.

"I love you guys too"


Fluffy filler that took me all day for no reason? Yes

I might not do the second update until later tonight depending on if I get distracted or not

slight adhd tingzz 🤩😝😪🤪😳

a puzzle piece?

a puzzle piece?yes!!

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