16- The Sick

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Day 1 in "Quarantine"

"Doyoung I need you to cough on me"
Taeyong had crawled over to Doyoung, who was reading an article on pigeons in Australia.

"What for?" Doyoung looked up at Taeyong with a questioning face.

"I don't wanna look suspicious"

"Suspicious? Why would you be suspicious?"

"I guess I gotta tell you then" Taeyong sighed. "Jaehyun thinks I planned all of this, all of the deaths and stuff. So I'm gonna stay in here for a few days to prove my innocence"

"Jaehyun thinks you did it? The Jaehyun who watched one episode of the cold case files?"

"I know, but the others looked like they were agreeing with him"

"I'm not coughing on you" Doyoung waved him off, going back to read the article.


"No, it'd make me feel guilty"

Taeyong sighed dramatically, rolling back over to his bed. Beginning the thinking process on how to get Doyoung to make him sick.

After almost two minutes, Taeyong had an idea that Doyoung would for sure go for.

Putting on his cutest voice, he waddled back to Doyoung, sitting cross legged in front of him.



"Can I have a kiss?" Taeyong asked, cringing internally.


'Okay, that didn't work, time for plan B' Taeyong thought. Facing away from Doyoung, he brought a finger up to his eye, taking out his contact. Doing the same for the other eye, he started sniffling and turned around, small tears staring to fall down his face.

"D-do you not like me a-anymore?" Taeyong purposefully stuttered, hoping to pull some heartstrings.

"Weren't you the one who said we we're bestfriends?" Doyoung didn't bother to look up from his phone.

Taeyong paused, he didn't expect the conversation to get serious so fast.

"I only said that because I thought you weren't ready to tell them" Taeyong mumbled, fidgeting with his fingers.

"I've already said that I don't care if you tell them"

"It's okay if you're not ready, you could've just told me" Doyoung added, sensing the guilt emanating off of Taeyong.

"I was scared"

"Scared of what?"

"That you would leave me" Taeyong said quietly.

"Come here" Doyoung scooted over, patting the spot beside him

"Watch the-" Doyoung winced.

"Sorry, I should change the bandages later"

"Its fine" Doyoung smiled, placing an arm around Taeyong's shoulder.

"Why would you think that I would leave you?"

"Because that's all people seem to do, leave me. My parents? left. Not even my first boyfriend stayed" Taeyong softly sobbed, gripping the bedsheet.

"Tae look at me"

Taeyong pretended not to hear him, focusing on calming himself down.

"Baby, please look at me"

Looking up, he thought he found Doyoung giving him a cold stare,
When in reality, Doyoung was just studying his face.

"I won't ever leave you, I promise" Doyoung held out his pinky, Taeyong gave him a confused look.

"You've never made a pinky promise?"

"What's that?"

"It's like this" Doyoung said, hooking his pinky with Taeyong's.

"Then you go like this" Doyoung presses the pads of their thumbs together.

"And then.." Doyoung kissed his palm, motioning for Taeyong to do the same.

Taeyong shook his head.

"Why not?"

Taeyong scooted closer to Doyoung, wrapping his arms around the younger's torso.

"I'd rather do this"
Taeyong said, pecking Doyoung's lips.

"Do you really think you'll get sick from that?"

"I guess you're right" Taeyong giggled,  repeatedly kissing Doyoung's lips.

"Now you're definitely sick"

"Hm, I don't think so"

oops, sorry im late, I procrastinated- a lot




i started stanning txt like a month ago and i just now found out that we're calling hueningkai hyuka??? like wtf it's so fuckin cute???


okay see you saturday

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