8- The Framed

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Most of the boys had gone to bed, except for Jisung, who was up thinking about what had happened earlier.

"Hey Jisung, can I talk to you for a moment?"

"Sure hung but can we make it quick? I'm really tired."

"Alright, just follow me"

Mark led them to his room, locking the door behind him.

"Uh, hyung? Why'd you lock the door?"

Jisung shivered even at the thought of what had happened in that room.


"Guys? Are you up for a little breakfast?" Taeyong peeked his head into Haechan's room.

Haechan moved Sungchan's fringe out of his face, observing the sleeping boy. He grabbed his phone quickly typing something into it.

Taeyong's phone lit up as Haechan's text arrived.

sungchan is still sleeping
im not moving until he's ready
but if you could bring me toast that would be nice.

Taeyong smiled nodding as he exited the room. Deciding that texting would be a better alternative than walking up all those stairs, Taeyong pulled out his phone, texting the group chat.

cookie monster:
breakfasts ready
I expect most of you down in two minutes


read by cookie monster, and 21 others at 8:42 am

Taeyong smiled happily as he heard the thumping of twenty pairs of feet coming downstairs.

As they were sitting down Taeyong tapped a fork against his glass.
"Friends, if you notice, I may or may not have burnt your food."

He paused, watching the boys' dissatisfaction and small smiles.

"It all depended on whether or not you came down to eat dinner last night." Taeyong smiled evily.

"Please, begin eating" Taeyong sat down, smirking as he drank his milk.

"Yo honestly who the fuck drinks plain milk?" Mark asked motioning towards Taeyong.

"Shut up, who even drinks strawberry milk?" Taeyong spat.

"A god that's who" Johnny commented.

"Bro, period" Mark fistbumped Johnny across the table.

"Y'all are fuckin twisted, chocolate milk is the best" Ten tucked his hair behind his ear, accidentally knocking over Taeyong's milk, which sparked another arguement.

"Don't you just love how they're fighting over spilt milk and we're over here just watching?" Lucas giggled a bit, sipping on his tea.

Chenle just ignored them, eating his burnt eggs.


"Thanks Tae" Doyoung kissed Taeyong's cheek, making the older drop the plate he was holding back into the sink.

Taeyong continued to wash the dishes a million confusing thoughts running through his mind. Then he remembered he had to talk to Jisung.

"Yo, Jisung, I need to talk to you" Taeyong had caught up to Jisung before he had gone up with the others.

"Uh, what about?"

"It's kind of important so can we go to the shed?"


Taeyong smiled, dragging him along outside.

"What is it hyung?"

"I saw you, that night that Shotaro died"

"Uh, um okay, before you say anything-"

"I just want to know if it was you. I won't tell anyone even if it was on purpose"

"That's just it, it wasn't me"
Jisung paused, checking his surroundings.
"but I do have a suspicion"

"Who is it?"

Jisung was about to answer but caught someone glaring at him from inside.

"I-I can't tell you I'm sorry"


who was glaring at him?
find out on the next episode of

anyways i've decided to make a schedule

ill double update on weekends and do one update on weekdays because of school. I'll also take one day off during the week, but it could be any day so its inconsistent

though this weekend will be weird because its Martin Luther king day on monday and that means i dont have school so i guess ill double update then too.

that's like 8 updates a week

i have no clue where this is going so have fun ig

kay bye

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