22- The Tennis

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"I don't know what to do" Yuta gripped his hair in frustration.

"What do you mean?" Jaemin asked, repeatedly throwing a bouncy ball against the ceiling.

"I told him I love him, and he hasn't said anything since"

"Seriously?" Jaemin asked, turning his head towards his roommate, effectively letting the ball hit his jaw.

Yuta nodded, falling back onto his bed.

"I could go ask him about you" Jaemin offered

"Thank you, but I don't want anything influencing his answer"

"Makes sense" Jaemin reached down to grab the ball, but ended up falling on the floor with an 'oomf'

"I'm gonna go take a walk"

"Don't get back too late or else I'll lock you out of here"

"You say that like you're not gonna be with Jeno in Renjun's room"

Jaemin threw the ball at Yuta, but Yuta had closed the door too quickly, so it bounced back past him, hitting a window.



Yuta walked downstairs, quickly rushing past Winwin who was occupied by the TV

"Hey where are you going?"

Yuta turned his head slowly to meet the eyes of Mark.

"I was just going to take a walk down on the beach" Yuta smiled sheepishly, feeling Sicheng's stare from across the room.

"If you see Jaehyun and the others there, tell them to come back soon"

"Why? It's only four"

"Johnny has decided that he's going to make dinner since Taeyong is sick"

"Ohh, gotcha"

Yuta smiled and quickly ran out of the house, seeing Winwin starting to get up from the couch.


"Uhh, what are you two doing?" Mark asked, seeing Jaemin who was pinned to the wall by Jeno on the middle of the stairs.

"Shh, we're being sneaky" Jeno motioned for Mark to move along.

"Not very sneaky if you ask me" Mark looked at Ten, who was now obviously taking pictures of the two, dropping grains of sand on the freshly cleaned carpet.

"And if you're gonna do that here then shouldn't you include Renjun? I'm pretty sure he would feel left out"

"I- What do you think we're doing?" Jaemin asked, pushing Jeno off of him.

"I don't know man" Mark shrugged.

"Im sneaking neaking down to see Winwin, and Jeno just tagged along" Jaemin stated.

"Oh, have fun then" Mark said, already walking towards his room.

"Next time don't be so loud" Jaemin punched Jeno's arm softly.


"Whatcha doin?" Jaemin asked, sitting uncomfortably close to Winwin.

"Watching tennis" Sicheng replied, scooting away from Jaemin.

"I didn't know you like tennis"

"I don't, I just find the noises funny"

Jaemin hummed, hearing a small screech from the woman who had just smacked the tennis ball to her opponent.

"Y'know what else I didn't know you like?"



"Yuta? I don't like him"

"Then what do you think about him?"

"That's personal"

"Aww, but I'm like your best friend"

"I haven't talked to you since last month"

"Ooh, yeah..about that, I'm sorry, cooking and cleaning for three people is a bit time consuming"

"Three people? You got another boyfriend?"

"Uh, no"

"A girlfriend?"

"Close, but no. This is Jamie" Jaemin pulled out his phone and showed a picture of a woman standing with Jeno and Renjun, with quite a large bump in her stomach.

"She's our surrogate mother" Jaemin smiled sweetly at the picture.

"Your what-"

Jaemin giggled "Yeah, we're gonna have a baby"

"Aw, Min that's amazi- hold on" Winwin reached for the remote, turning the TV off.

"That's amazing" Winwin clapped his hands excitedly.

"Is it a boy or a girl?"

"We're gonna let it decide it's own gender"

"That doesn't answer anything"

"It's a girl"

"Oof, good luck with that"

"What do you mean?"

"If it was a boy, you would know how to deal with that, right?"


"But it's a girl, which means you have absolutely no clue what to do when she hits puberty"

"Damn, you right" Jaemin nodded, agreeing with his own statement.

"I know, I'm always right"

"But that's in like, twelve years, we have enough time to learn"



"All I'm saying is that it could happen earlier. I knew a girl in fifth grade who had hit puberty in fourth"

"This is why I didn't talk to you all that time, you're stressing me out"

"Alright alright, I'll stop talking. What are you gonna name her?"

"We haven't decided yet"


a lil late huh?

sorry, I got distracted because I had to make Japanese flash cards and then I had to eat dinner and then I started choking on cherry cola and then my baby sister tried to eat my purple cat so I had to stop her

that is her eating the cat

ok people, i need name recommendations

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ok people, i need name recommendations

anything except Cristal and Clarissa

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