7- The 1st Burial

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"Okay Okay, calm down everybody" Taeyong attempted to stop the overlapping chatter.

Doyoung shouted, leaving silence to follow after.

"Thank you Doyoung"

"So um, I've called you all here to discuss some, rather serious things."

"Hey- uh not to interrupt or anything but where's Shotaro?" Sungchan asked.

"Ah, well, that's the thing"  Taeyong inhaled deeply before continuing.
"He's- uh, He's gone" Taeyong hung his head.

"Gone like how? Gone like lost?" Haechan titled his head in confusion.

"No, the other gone"

"Other gone.."
Haechan thought a moment

"I'm gonna, go back to my room" Sungchan rushed upstairs.

"Haechan go comfort him please" Doyoung motioned over to the stairs.

"Why me?"

"Because, you're his roommate"

"Your logic makes no sense but okay"
Haechan shrugged trailing behind Sungchan.

"If you don't mind me asking, how did he uh, y'know" Taeil asked.

"He was pushed down the stairs."

Taeil hummed.

"Alright, I've watched enough island survival shows to know what to do at this point." Mark stood up before continuing.

"We've either got to burn or bury the body, otherwise animals start coming for it, thinking it's food."

"Do we even have fire starters?" Johnny asked.

Taeyong shook his head.

"Then burial is the best option for now"

"There are some shovels in the shed out back" Taeyong stated.

"Why do you have shovels?" Mark asked suspiciously.

"My uncle put them there just in case we had to shoot an animal"

"You have a gun too?" Johnny would've laughed if it weren't for the situation.

"It's good to be prepared" Taeyong shrugged.

"Okay, I'll start the preparations"


"Sungchan, please open the door, it's my room too" Haechan repeatedly knocked.

"Go away" Sungchan let out a choked cry.

"Sungchan come on, I just wanna comfort you" Haechan whined.

A small click was heard and the door creaked open, revealing a puffy eyed, squishy looking Sungchan.

"Aw Channie~" Haechan hugged him tightly. "Baby don't cry" Haechan ran his fingers through Sungchan's hair.

Haechan's habit of calling people baby when he found them cute had apparently plucked a heartstring, causing Sungchan's knees to buckle as he sobbed.

"Shh shh, it's gonna be okay" Haechan  brought them over to his bed, Sungchan clutched to his shirt.

"It's gonna be alright baby" Haechan kissed the top of his head.


"The hole is ready, you guys wanna start this now?" Mark asked

Most of them nodded the others stared blankly.

"Should we go get Haechan and Sungchan?" Jungwoo asked.

"You can try, but if he doesn't want to don't force him" Taeyong replied.

Jungwoo nodded, walking upstairs.

Knocking on the door, Jungwoo heard hushed voices before the door opened.

"What's up?" Haechan asked

"We're starting the burial now, if you guys want to join us"

Haechan went back inside the room for a moment.

"Sorry, but we'll skip it"

"Makes sense" Jungwoo sadly smiled, walking back downstairs.

"We can start"

Taeyong sighed "Okay, let's do this"

The burial was short, it was more or less just chucking a body into a six foot deep hole in the ground.

Some sniffling was heard but all in all no one was really affected, except for Sungchan of course, but what do you expect? Shotaro was his best friend since second grade.

"Hey Jisung, can I talk to you for a moment?"


double update?
never done that before

should i do it more?

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