18- The Blankets

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"Winwin? What are you doing?" Yuta asked, peeking his head into Winwin's room.

"Yuta, perfect timing, lend me all your blankets" Winwin smiled, laying a plush gray blanket on the floor.

"What for?"

"Big plans Yuta, big plans"

"Why should I?"

"Because, I'll tell everyone you're a pervert and have sneak photos of me on your phone"

"Eh- How do you know about that?!"

"Jaemin has a lot of videos, mostly of you watching me"

"He put them in a youtube compilation" Winwin added, pulling out his phone and showing him a video, a video of Yuta staring at Winwin with heart eyes.

"Aish- I'm gonna kill that kid"
Yuta cursed Jaemin for being so attentive.

"By the way, why do you have so many pictures of me?"

Yuta POV
Quick Yuta, think of a plausible excuse- like you were taking pictures for your fanclub- no that's equally as weird as saying "I'm taking pictures of you secretly because I'm madly in love with you" uhm quickly come on stupid brain, think of something-

Author POV

"I'm using you for reference, for my uhm, art..project" Yuta smiled nervously, hoping he would buy it.

"For three years?" Winwin raised an eyebrow.

"It's a very..big art project"

"Oh, that makes sense" Winwin nodded, agreeing with his own statement


"No, you gotta lay it like this" Winwin pointed at the diagram he made.

"I'm trying but the pole keeps falling over" Yuta whined

"Then tape the pole to the ground"

"But then it'll be too hard to clean up"

"Who said we're cleaning this up?"

"Wouldn't we have to clean this up before Xiaojun comes back?"

"He's hanging out with Hendery in his room"

"What about Jeno?"

"I thought you knew that he's barely in there, seeing that he's already with Renjun and Jaemin"

"Why would I know? I barely talked to them recently"

"Makes sense, they haven't been separating from eachother since Kun died"

Yuta hummed, straightening the wooden pole in the middle of whatever Winwin was calling "Ultimate cuddle space"


A few hours later, and the construction was complete.

"Good work, now I'm gonna go take a nap" Yuta said, walking towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Winwin asked

"To my room?"

"Why do think we just spent four hours making this?"

"Because you were bored?

"No silly, I wanted to have a sleepover"

"A sleepover? Seriously? Dude we're twenty"

"Age doesn't matter if we're gonna have fun"

"That sounded wrong in so many ways"

"Either way, we're having a sleepover"

"I didn't-" Yuta's words were cut short by Winwin pressing a finger to his lips

"Shh, we're having a sleepover"



"What do you wanna watch?"
Winwin asked, turning on the TV

"As long as it's scary, I don't care"


"What's that?"

"Nuclear explosion"

"Sure why not?"

A few minutes into the movie, Winwin started getting cold, despite the thirty blankets around them.


"What's up?"



"Lend me your hoodie"

"Sure" Yuta dragged his hoodie over his head, handing it to Sicheng.

Urchin put on Yuta's hoodie, wallowing in the scent.

Still feeling cold, he slowly shuffled closer to Yuta, hoping he wouldn't notice.

"What are you doing?" Yuta asked, seeing that the younger was now clutched onto his arm.

"Nothing" Sichenget let go of his arm, stuffing his hands in the pocket of the hoodie.


Quiet sniffling was heard, making Yuta turn his head, towards Winwin, who was silently crying.

"Why are you crying? He hasn't even put the bomb in yet"

"I've watched this too many times" Sicheng wailed.

Yuta sighed, pulling Sicheng into his lap. "There's no need to cry, it's just a movie" Yuta rested his head on Winwin's shoulder.

"But these are real feelings" Sicheng sniffled.

Yuta paused, thinking a moment before sighing.


Sicheng let out a small hum, his attention still on the movie.

"This probably isn't the best time to tell you this, but.." Yuta trailed off, Winwin's attention still on the screen.

"I like- no, I love you"

"I love you too"

"No, like as more than a friend"

"The what-" Sicheng turned around, now facing Yuta.

"Yeah.." Yuta looked down at the carpet.

Sicheng nodded, taking in all of what Yuta just said.

"Can I answer you later? I have a lot to think about"

"Take your time"


Yuta kept turning on his sides, trying to switch to a comfortable position.

Deciding to lay on his side, Yuta stared blankly at the wall, trying not to overthink but failing.

'What if he doesn't like me back? What if he likes someone else, or worse, he likes a girl?' Yuta's thoughts bounced around in his head, hitting some nerves, making small tears start to form at the brims of his eyelids.

"Yuta, stop crying" Sicheng placed a hand on his tummy, trying to make him stop shaking.

"I don't know what you're crying for, but it'll be alright"


im gonna eat the rest of my sister's coconut shreds 😈🙈

what time is it for yall?
when i published this it was 9:05 pm

i should go to sleep.


nah, demon slayer is more important.

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