32- The Plan

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"What do you mean?" Yangyang asked quietly.

"If we degrade him enough, he might be distracted long enough for us to escape" Ten explained.

"Or he could shoot you"

"But I think he would be too sad to function"

"Whatever, if you wanna get yourself killed then it's not my problem" Yangyang sighed, turning to face a window.

Ten scooted beside Yangyang, hooking their fingers together. Yangyang gave him a sad smile before going back to looking at the birds fighting over a stick.

"Aww, how sweet" Mark said mockingly, walking over to the couple, he crouched down, waving a knife in front of their faces.

"How about I do something for you" Mark brought the knife to their wrists, cutting the rope in half, only to tie their hands together.

"Okay, now you can hold hands forever" Mark smiled a little too creepily and walked back to Johnny.

"At least he's being kinda nice" Yangyang whispered to Ten.

"He won't be for long, I need to start my plan soon"

Ten subtly scooted towards Mark and Johnny, dragging Yangyang along with him.

"Mark" Ten tapped Mark's leg with his foot.

"What do you want?" Mark asked, clearly annoyed that Ten had stopped his conversation with Johnny.

"Let me go, or I'll tell Johnny about your little problem"

"You wouldn't"

"Oh, I could do much worse than that" Ten smirked, he was already getting somewhere with Mark.

"I can tell why everybody talks about you when you're not around"

"They talk about me?"

"We all do, mostly things about your parents leaving you because you're gay"

"That's not true and you know it" Mark was making his anger very apparent.

"Really? Then why did I see a post about your parents and their new daughter?"

"What do you mean?" Mark asked suspiciously.

"Oh you didn't know? They replaced you with a girl, something they've always wanted"

"You're lying" Mark was trying his best not to show his hurt, but you could see it clearly.

"Should I do a reality check for you?"

Mark stayed silent, tears brimming his eyes.

"Let's see, You've got no job, no friends, and no boyfriend either. What would that make you?" Ten paused, expecting an answer but getting silence instead.

"Utter trash" Ten continued, he hated being mean in general but he felt like Mark deserved this.

Ten kept throwing insults and curses at Mark, almost making him push his limits.

One final sentence got Mark to snap.

"Johnny will never love you"

"Stop it Stop it STOP IT" Mark gripped his hair, sobbing heavily.

"YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING" Mark quickly stood up, grabbing the shotgun and aiming it at Ten.

"No wait!"


a cliffhanger

it's a lil late in the day

my sister wouldn't stop bugging me about minecraft so i had to go play with her

( ˘ ³˘)♥︎

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