6-The Dinner

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Johnny took a sip of his water.
"So do you want me to keep going with all of the details or just give you the important stuff?"

"If you wouldn't mind continuing to give us more details that would be great" The reporter wrote a few things down on her notepad.

"Alright, if you say so"
Johnny continued.
7 years ago
April 17th
7:24 pm
The Island

Taeyong's shout was heard echoing through the house.

Instead of a heard of thumping, Taeyong only heard a few patters on the stairs.

"Where are the rest of them?" Taeyong asked the five boys who had actually come down for dinner.

"Mpostly asleep, but I think Renjun might be dead" Kun replied.

Taeyong sighed "Well since you guys actually showed up, you can have the non-burnt dishes" He began to set down plates and utensils.

As they were about to sit down, they heard a scream resonating through the hallway.

"No one but you guys came down, right?" Taeyong eyed the dimly lit hallway.

The others nodded, concern lingering around them.

"As the oldest out of you guys, I will go check it out" Taeyong volunteered. "I'll come with you" Doyoung stood up and hooked their arms.

"Whatever, let's go" the pair started walking towards the hallway.

A few groans were heard as they approached the source of the scream.

"Shotaro- oh shit" Doyoung covered his mouth, shocked seeing Shotaro in that state.

Leg twisted in an inhuman manner, a small pool of blood surrounding his head.

Taeyong quickly knelt down next to him, lifting his head up.
"Jesus christ what happened?"
"Pushed-" Shotaro coughed, a small mixture of spit and blood dribbled down his chin.
"Pushed? By who?"

Taeyong brought his attention to the top of the stairs, seeing a figure dash back into the corridor.

"Hold on. Doyoung go to the bathroom and get the med kit, I have someone to talk with.

Taeyong ran upstairs, seeing the person run to the third floor.

Reaching the third floor, a door shut loudly next to Taeyong.

"Come out here, I just need to talk to you" after a few seconds Taeyong knocked again "You're not in trouble if you tell me what happened"


"Calm down please" Doyoung attempted to coax the younger into breathing normally.

"I know it hurts but if you move like that it'll be worse-" Doyoung paused seeing Shotaro close his eyes. "No no, stop that, don't you-"

"-die.." Doyoung bit his cheek, absorbing the situation. He pulled out his phone, dialing Taeyong.

"He-y uhm Tae?"

"What is it?"

"Y-you might wanna come down here"

"I'll be there in a sec" Taeyong hung the call.


Jisung sighed in relief as he heard footsteps going back downstairs.
"Jisung? Why'd you slam the door?"
Chenle looked up from his phone.

"Chenle, I think I saw too much"

"What do you mean?"

"Uhm, okay I guess I'll explain"



Q.1 whats your favorite color combo?

Mine is this

I just thought it would be better to show instead of having to explain the colors

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I just thought it would be better to show instead of having to explain the colors.

Kay bye

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