19- The Truth

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Jaehyun peered into the room, only seeing one large blob under a blanket.

A head popped up at the name. "What is it?" Jisung said groggily.

"Can you come with me for a sec?"

"Fine" Jisung started to get up, but was pulled back down by Chenle.

"I need to go, Jaehyun hyung wants to talk"

A few whines of protest later, and Jisung had began walking down the hallway with Jaehyun.

"Isn't this Shota-"

"Be quiet, you're gonna wake the others" Jaehyun shushed Jisung, turning the door handle slowly.

"But why are we in here?" Jisung asked, trying not to touch anything.

"Because, I need you to tell me what happened with Shotaro"

"I don't think I can, Mark would get mad"

"This is just gonna be our little secret, okay?"

Jisung bit his cheek, trying to make a decision.

"You have to promise not to tell anyone"

"Cross my heart"



"Hey Jisung, can I talk to you for a moment?"

"Sure hung but can we make it quick? I'm really tired."

"Alright, just follow me"

Mark led them to his room, locking the door behind him.

"Uh, hyung? Why'd you lock the door?

"We need to discuss some..things"

"This seems like a rape plot- Are you gonna rape me?!" Jisung panicked, backing away towards the wall.

"What- ew no"

Mark walked towards the nightstand, pulling out a small fruit knife. "Even if I was gonna rape you, I wouldn't do it here" Mark added, sitting in the small chair that stood in the corner of the room.

"Then why are we here? More importantly why do you have a knife?"

Mark shook his head, grabbing a peach off of the nightstand.

"I can't stand peach skin" he said, sloppily throwing the skin to the trash.

"Here's the deal Jisung, What you saw that night with Shotaro was purely an accident"

"It didn't look like an accident"

"It was dark, I couldn't tell how close he was to the stairs"

Mark took a bite of the fruit before continuing.

"But you're not going to tell anyone, right?"

"Why wouldn't I tell someone?"

"Because, I could take you down with me as an accomplice"

"As if they would believe you"

"Oh, but they would, seeing as I've known them longer"

Jisung stood up, going towards the door.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you"

"Why not-" A shiny object flew past Jisung's face.

Mark walked over to Jisung, pulling the knife out from the door.

"Now, are we gonna tell anyone?"

Jisung shook his head, still dazed from adrenaline.

"Good, go hangout with Chenle" Mark unlocked the door, leaving Jisung to scurry out of the room.


"Oh shit" Jaehyun stared at the ground

"I know"

"My Taeyong theory was all wrong"

"I just told you how Mark threatened me and you're worried about your theory?" Jisung looked at him in disbelief.

"I gotta go apologize" Jaehyun stood up, about to rush to the door, but was pulled back by Jisung.

"Hyung its 2am"

"Oh-" Jisung shut Jaehyun up, pressing a finger to his lips, hearing slow footsteps come upstairs.

the door across from Shotaro's room opened.

Jisung breathed a sigh of relief.
"Okay, it was just Jaemin"

Cracking the door, Jisung stepped out into the hallway.

"I'm tired, we can talk more tomorrow" Jisung waved Jaehyun off towards the stairs.

Jaehyun was about to leave but instead pulled Jisung in for a quick hug, patting his head.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that"


jaesung: platonic tingzzz🙄💅

he hang

he hang

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a secret?

a secret?possibly

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