36- The Arrest

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"Shit" Mark cursed loudly, dropping the knife he was holding.

Johnny widened his eyes as more commands were shouted through the walls.

"What do we do?" Johnny asked, already panicking.

"Get the gasoline from the basement"

Johnny nodded, rushing downstairs.

Mark began searching through the kitchen drawers for anything that could potentially start a fire.

He checked one last drawer, finding an almost empty box of matches.

He sighed in relief, walking back into the livingroom to see Johnny standing there with a can of gasoline.

"What do I do?"

"Pour it over them"


"Nevermind- I'll do it" Mark grabbed the can, beginning to sprinkle the liquid over their friends.

Johnny just stood there awkwardly, unsure of what to do next.

"Stand back" Mark pushed Johnny away from where the gasoline was splattered, striking a match against the box.

"No witnesses" Mark threw the match onto their friends, who immediately burst into flames. Screams echoed through the house, along with loud crackles.

The stink of burning flesh filled the air, making the pair pinch their noses.

"What do we do now?" Johnny asked.

"We haven't got any choices left. I guess I'll turn myself in"

"But Mark-"

"Don't worry, I've got a plan. Just follow my lead" Mark started to walk out of the door, doing strange movements.

"And Johnny?"


"Feign innocence"


"Mr.Suh, please give your statement"

"I only did what he told me to do, I was scared of what he would do if I didn't"

"Thank you"

"Now Mr. Lee, how do you plead?"


"How so?"

"The people"

"The people?"

"They tell me what to do. They say weird things that make me hurt people"

The Judge looked over at Johnny

"Mr. Suh, as Mr. Lee's proclaimed best friend, have you heard him talk about these "voices" before?"

"He told me about them once, but never spoke about them again"

"And why is that Mr. Lee?"

"They said I couldn't tell Johnny. They would make me feel pain if I didn't listen to them"

"And how many of these "voices" are there?"


The Judge studied him a but before coming to his decision.

"Mr. Mark Lee, I rule you innocent, on the count of mental unstablility"

Lots of angered noises came from the jury, mostly from the other's parents.

"Your sentence is seven years in a mental institute"


okay this is a bit shorter than what I would usually do but I have a good reason

ya want a sequel?
even if you don't I'm still doing one

so i was watching the original Selena and I don't remember her dying??? like wtf???

oops that was probably a spoiler



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