483 26 55

december 23/24

group therapy

bill: hey guys... can we get drunk for new years

mike: i have work the day after

patty: you're working new years day?

mike: yeah i hate life

eddie: wow 

eddie: good luck mike

stanley: get drunk where

mike: thanks eddie 

bill: miiike :/// i'll punch u in the tits why are you WORKING

mike: not the tits

patty: yeah bill, mike's tits are his best feature! that's like punching your.... your...

patty: i got nothing

bill: WHAT THE FUCK???

stanley: Get Drunk Where

patty: can anyone name bill's best feature

eddie: all of him,, stfu

patty: ur his boyfriend u dont count

eddie: rude

bill changed the group name to patty is mean

mike changed the group name to patty is correct

patty: thank you mike

mike: of course 

stanley: GUYS. 

bill: what


bill: mine and eddie's apartment?

patty: won't your neighbours file a loud noise complaint?

bill: it's the new year, fuck them bitches bro

patty: once again: does anyone have a good quality about bill

patty: anyone that is NOT eddie

bill: cruel

stanley: harsh but true

patty: it's a three to two, billy. 

bill: i veto it

patty: that's not. that's not how that works?

mike: how does it work

patty: it doesn't. 

mike: okay...?

bill: ????????

bill: anyway does anyone that ISNT PATTY wanna get drunk  on new years

patty: noooooooo i wanna come

bill: name a good attribute about me. do it. then i will perhaps let you come, peasant

stanley: what the fuck is happening 

mike: i wish i knew

patty: you.... are....

patty: ... tall?

eddie: so true

mike: so true

stanley: he's not That tall

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