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april 14/15

"hey, i need to talk to you." stan said cautiously, ready to shut down at any sign of refusal. but he got none, and bill instead smiled weakly and nodded. stan swallowed his pride and motioned for bill to follow him. 

they wandered over away from the cafeteria table, both richie and eddie watching. eddie in unease, richie in understanding. richie knew what stan was about to do. and he respected it, honestly. 

"w-whuh-what's up?" bill asked, nervously running his fingers up and down his thigh. stan took big deep breaths, as if preparing to make a speech. 

"i know it's been a while since... you know. and i know i've been, uh for lack of a better term, a huge dick. but i wanted to fully apologize. i'm sorry for everything. for the hurt i caused you, for ever cheating on you in the first place, and more. it was, obviously, entirely my fault. i know i hurt you, and i'm so incredibly sorry. i don't deserve it, but i ask for your forgiveness. i... you don't have to forgive me, of course, but i ask you for it. if i can help rebuild your trust in me, anyway possible, let me know. i miss your friendship, bill." and a speech it was, stan had been debating on and off around what to say. he had even called richie late at night, asking richie what sounded more personal.

he meant it, he really did. he just found it hard to speak to bill without planning. the hope was, if this went well, he'd be able to do that again, as friends. 

"i..." bill was speechless. he kinda wanted to ask... do you like him? did you figure it out? are you two dating? but he didn't. he was over stan, in that way, anyway. trusting stan? i mean, it seemed a little rough. 

he wanted to trust stan. he did. but he had been so hurt. he didn't wish that pain on anyone, not even stan. and he felt a little silly, like maybe he was overreacting. it was just a kiss, right? and they were just in high school. but it had felt so horrible in the moment. 

"and you don't have to answer me now, no pressure. take as much time as you need. and i'll give you any closure you want." stan spat out quickly, feeling like he was rushing bill. god, this was so delicate! 

"d-duh-do you like him?" bill shoved his hands in his pockets to stop his nervous habit. stan flushed red. he rose his arm to scratch the back of his neck, but bill waited for a verbal answer.

"yeah" it was barely a whisper, and stanley couldn't bring himself to make eye contact with bill. bill thought about stan's response for a second. 

"i forgive you." bill said, sure of his response. "i d-duh-don't know if i trust you... but i want to. and i m-muh-muh-miss you too." stan smiled softly at this. bill did too. stan considered a hug, but didn't want bill to be uncomfortable. instead they landed on a nod. 

"th-thuh-thank you." bill whispered as they walked back over to the table. 

as stan sat back down, beside richie, he focused on his breathing, calming himself. somehow, despite stan's attempts to be subtle, richie noticed, and took his hand as a gentle gesture, beneath the table. stan's fingers slowly closed on richie's. 

"i want to be a cow... they just seem so peaceful." ben commented, the kids talking about the animals they would be in a different life. mike chuckled softly, pulling ben closer to him. 

"don't cows lick each other's balls?" richie asked, the table breaking out into giggles and groans. beverly cackled, and ben put his face down on the table, sighing. 

"well mike? d-duh-do they?" bill said, everyone turning to mike. mike chuckled softly.

"not normally? i mean.. sometimes, maybe? i don't exactly pay the most attention to cow's licking habits." mike answered unsure. eddie was shaking his head, which sat in his hands. 

"would you lick my balls if we were cows, ben?" richie asked, making puppy dog eyes at the boy. ben scoffed and shook his head, the whole group laughing at richie's antics. even stan laughed, shifting his grip lightly. 

"you are disgusting!" eddie said, poking richie from across the table. richie scrunched his nose and shook his head at eddie. 

"guys, can we please have a picnic this week? it's spring! i want to do shitty spring things." beverly interjected, having finished her giggle fit. 

"yes, yes!" richie chimed in, "can we please?" he asked, looking to mike with pleading eyes.

"we could do it at my farm, yeah" mike added, the kids around the table getting excited. 

they began planning ideas, eddie talking with beverly about what outfits they would wear for the upcoming event. the bell went and they decided they'd text about what food they were to bring.

beverly, richie, and stanley went to english, and the moment richie sat down, bev placed a crumpled piece of paper on his desk. richie looked confused, but unfurled the paper,

you were holding stan's hand ?????????

richie snickered at the amount of question marks, but got a bit nervous. he had promised himself he wouldn't tell anyone (except eddie, not that he had gotten a chance to) about what him and stanley were doing, and beverly was, well, a bit of a gossip.

i'll text you

richie threw the paper back at bev before the teacher took control of the class. phones under their desks, richie and beverly had a conversation without anyone (including stan, who sat in front of richie) noticing.

beverly: sooo????

richie: he was just nervous so i was comforting him

beverly: why would he be nervous what

richie: he apologized to bill at lunch

richie: it seemed to go well, but u never know 

beverly: oh shiiii that's good ! literally four months late but. still good. 

richie: yeah

beverly: so like. its not painful for u to just be his comfort object and nothing more?

richie smiled sheepishly and looked up at the back of stanley's head. he sighed small, and looked back down

richie: no

richie: im his best friend too. i gotta be there fr him

beverly: inch resting....

beverly: aight. also at sum point im gonna dip n hang out in ben's science classroom. if mr moore asks, i'm on my period

richie: ben's science teacher just lets u stay in there?

beverly: yeah idk. anyway. 

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