542 24 142

december 23/24

tw: sexual assault, domestic abuse, mention of rape, 

"c'mon, i'm your fucking fiancee, isn't that enough?" axel's hands fought richie's, who coughed to clear his throat and sat up. axel sat up, now straddling richie. richie tried to shuffle out of his grip. 

"axel, you're making me uncomfortable, please stop," richie said, his hands now on axel's stomach pushing his back. axel moved back, folding his legs underneath him next to richie. he huffed out of his nose.

"it's always something with you. what, you been raped or something?" axel spat bitterly, richie feeling guilt rise in his chest. he thought it was guilt, at least. but richie wasn't folding tonight, he wasn't going to fold.

"no, what the hell? i just don't want to tonight." richie pulled at his finger, his heart beating so loud he swore he could hear it in his ears and feel it on his face.

he shouldn't have to feel this nervous, right?

or... was he overreacting? he hadn't really let axel do anything in a while and maybe he owed axel this. 

fuck. was richie the bad guy?

"what's your fucking problem?" axel stood up, and richie climbed, now kneeling on the bed. 

"you said you wouldn't fucking force me!" there was silence. richie regretted swearing. axel bit his tongue. "you're upset over nothing. i never said that, and i'm not forcing you. you could've just said no." axel said, standing at the foot of the bed while richie sat on the edge, looking up at axel. 

"i did say no!" richie stood up aggressively, but axel rolled his eyes.

"just calm down, richie. stop overreacting." the force of axel's hands on richie's shoulders pushed richie back down onto the bed, and richie accidentally bit down too hard. 

richie put his hands on the bed, getting ready to push himself up once again.

"axel, i--"

richie's face stung. he brought a hand up to his cheek, his hand shaking. he bit his tongue. maybe it was the tongue, maybe it was the cheek, but richie suddenly found that he had quite a headache. his eyes watered. he decided that today was a bad day. 

"stay at someone else's tonight." axel replied, taking a step away from richie. 

"axe-i-please" richie choked on his words. his hands asked for axel to come back to him, but axel stayed in the door way, making richie crawl to him like an inferior.

"you're acting like your mom. you're being dramatic." axel spat, shaking his head vaguely. richie started crying, but he sat back on the bed. moving back until he was at the head of the bed, richie sobbed.

"i f-fucking hate you." he told axel, who left the room. 

richie found breathing rather hard now, choking on his spit and his tears. snot bubbled in his nose as he thought about the one thing he hadn't wanted to the entire day. richie gripped his hands violently, denting the palms of his hands with nail marks, wanting to scream. he tore the sheet off of the bed, groaning quietly and melting into the mattress. 

shakily, after a few minutes of withholding his screams, richie reached to the nightstand for his phone. his first thought was to call jamie, so he did so, sitting nervously in the same place he had been for so long. he held the phone up to his ear.

"... you've reached jamie game, i'll call back when i--" richie put the phone on the bed and hung up, frustrated. it only rang twice, and richie knew that jamie had declined the call.

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