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april 14/15

a/n: til that stanley uris has jet black hair. but that will not stop me from writing him as a dirty blond

"hey baby," richie was sitting just outside of stan's window and stan, still blushing at the nickname, opened the window for him. aside from the whole strange romantic aspect, richie really had no reason to be coming in through his window at this time, it was just stan's mom home. and she loved richie.

he held out a hand and richie took it, pulling himself into the room. he slowly took off his shoes (they were converse) and stan sat down on his bed.

"to what do i owe the pleasure, richie? don't you have an english essay due tomorrow?" stan asked, richie chuckling as he put his shoes aside. he took the backpack he was wearing off of his shoulders, placing it very carefully onto the floor.

"yeah, yeah, but i want to dance with you, stanny." richie walked over to stan's record player. it was one of the newer ones, and somehow (stan figured he'd ask later) richie knew his way around it. he turned it on and opened it up.


"i brought some of my favourite vinyls for you today. they're cheesy or whatever, but i wanna slow dance with you. if that's okay?" richie clarified, returning to his bag. unzipping it, he pulled out two vinyls, apparently preserved perfectly. stan nodded to the question, shocked richie would want to do anything slow.

"now, they're not my favourite songs, but they're songs i've always wanted to slow dance to. especially with you." richie said, uncasing one and putting it on the player.

"is that a mary poppins record?" stan was looking at one of the other ones richie had put aside. richie nodded, turning back around to stan.

"absolutely. but this one first. ever seen casablanca, stan?" richie put out a hand for stan to take, which he did. as richie pulled him up, his other hand went to stan's waist, and stan hesitantly put his hand on richie's shoulder. their other hands still intertwined, the song began, and richie began to dance softly, stan following.

you must remember this,

richie closed his eyes.

a kiss is just a kiss

a sigh is just a sigh

as they shifted from one foot to the other, doing richie's interpretation of slow dancing, stan took in richie's look. it seemed he had made an effort to look good. he was wearing dress pants, and a button up white short sleeve shirt, his top two buttons undone. his hair looked combed, and stan knew what an ordeal that was.

the fundamentals things apply, as time goes by

richie mouthed along to the song, his eyes still closed peacefully.

and when two lovers woo

they still say i love you,

on that you can rely

richie opened his eyes to sing the lines to stan, who giggled softly. his left eye (the previously fucked up one) had healed quite well, and looked almost exactly the same as the other. there was a simple scratch mark above his eye from where his eyebrow had split open. richie's eyes, although magnified by his thick-framed glasses, were quite pretty. stan gazed into them. he saw himself reflected back in them and laughed softly.

no matter what the future brings,

as time goes by

it might not be so bad, to stay here forever. to stay swaying side to side with richie, shoeless in his bedroom. holding his hand, richie's hand on his waist.

timing : stozierWhere stories live. Discover now