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richie picked up his phone.

"hmmm," he mumbled to himself, looking around. the phone rang a couple times, richie tapping his fingers on the phone out of nervousness. finally, the person on the other end responded.

"hello?" stanley's familiar voice spoke out through richie's speakers. it was warm.

"heya stan, wanna hang out today? and, uh, can i come over for dinner?" richie replied, still tapping his fingers, sort of mimicking a heartbeat.

"um... sure? i don't see why not. i'll tell mum to set up an extra plate like always." stanley scratched at his nails, "is everything alright at home richie?" he asked.

"just like usual, um... i just can't be in the house right now." richie squeaked out the first few words, a telltale sign of lying. stanley knew this, but he didn't say anything. he didn't want to push richie.

"oh... okay. um, when are you coming over?" stanley questioned. no more than .5 seconds later, richie replied, "i'm outside." the phone hanging up several milliseconds after. stanley sighed, but it was a sigh of familiarity. never change, richie. knocks were heard from the front door. smiling to himself, stanley hopped down the stairs to the door, almost slipping in doing so.

he opened the door for richie, who entered right away. kicking off his shoes, he went right to stanley's bedroom, greeting mrs. uris on the way over. stanley followed richie into his bedroom, sitting down on his bed. richie swung the backpack he was wearing off and dumped it on the ground.

"what the..." stanley trailed off, watching remnants of what was most likely homework and food fall out. richie smiled, "i need your help organizing." he said, spreading out the pile of questionable schoolwork.

stanley sighed, but agreed to help richie organize. "great! first uh... do you have a garbage bag?" richie asked, twiddling his thumbs.

stanley pulled out his rather large box of garbage bags from under his bed and looked to richie, "you are the one putting that shit in there. i am not touching that." 

richie smiled and nodded. richie grabbed a banana peel, and acted as if he was going to put in the bag, when instead he threw it at stanley.

stanley, screaming, jumped back, "you are so dead rich!" stanley said, jumping at richie. as he landed on top of him, richie's face went red, as stanley was basically straddling him. although stanley noticed this, he believed it would best to not say anything, so instead he started to fling his arms at richie. richie was laughing the entire time, enjoying the moment of pure excitement. and mrs. uris, she was laughing too, hearing the boys playfight upstairs.

richie fought back, rolling stanley onto his back and playfully swinging his arms. they shared a moment, just sitting, out of breath. suddenly, stanley's bedroom door swung open and his father was standing at the door. stanley threw richie off of him and stood up abruptly.

"hi dad," he said, richie making a loud thump as he hit the ground. stanley's dad glanced over disapprovingly.

"hello stan, hi richie" he greeted richie with a sigh. richie waved back, trying to play it off like he fell off the bed. stanley's dad gave him a look and walked downstairs. stanley sighed as soon as his dad was gone, sitting on his bed and staring down.

richie simply started to put stuff in the garbage bag. he knew better than to say anything about stanley's dad, it was a touchy subject, and that was something richie knew a lot about. richie heard stanley's parents start to argue lightly downstairs, so he spoke.

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