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june 13-14

"holy shit! it's actually the last day of school! godbless," richie's eyes widened as he threw his hands in the air, getting several glares from other students. stanley and eddie each brought one of richie's arms back down, stopping him from smacking people by accident.

bill laughed at richie, "it t-tuh-tuh- it took you this long?" he said, pulling his backpack up higher. they continued to walk the halls, no rhyme or reason to where they were going. it was lunch, so nobody really cared.

they turned a corner, and stanley slowed down to let the others turn comfortably. this left three of the boys in front, and stan trailing behind. before anyone could slow down to join him, beverly appeared.

almost having materialized out of thin air, she beamed at stan. "hi! so i got another question for you." she said, swinging an arm around stanley's shoulders. stan smiled back weakly.

"when are you gonna ask bill out?" she was whispering to him now (although, it's quite hard to whisper and walk at the same time). stan's face went red and he laughed.

"i don't... what? first richie, and now this?" stanley spoke normally, causing richie to hear him and turn around.

"what about me stanny boy—beverly marsh! name is richie tozier, i heard you stood up for my boy stan here. i must thank you, he's very fragile." richie noticed beverly and he smiled. he started walking backwards. stanley flipped off richie for calling him fragile.

"pleasure's all mine, stan's a sweet thing," beverly laughed, and richie's smile twitched. he nodded, and the three of them walked in an uncomfortable silence until bill noticed beverly and broke away from his conversation with eddie.

"hi bev!" bill said, slowing to walk with stan and beverly. he'd seemingly come around to beverly. richie turned around and swung an arm around eddie, who had sourly been watching bill as he talked to beverly.

"what's your next class eds?" richie started a new conversation between him and eddie.

"we have the same class, dumbass." eddie sighed, pushing richie's arm off of him. richie just ruffled his hair and kept walking. eddie suddenly turned, almost out of the blue, down a new hallway. he pulled richie with him, and richie said nothing.

richie glanced behind him and sighed through his nose as he watched the other three keep going straight.

"since when do they know beverly marsh?" eddie scoffed, crossing his arms. richie shrugged, despite knowing the answer.

then the bell rang, and eddie and richie walked to their next class. richie still didn't know what class it was. eddie had never said. and yeah, richie still had no clue which room was which and which teacher taught what. it was amazing he was passing all of his classes.

"what a fucking twat. how can he treat me like that? i'm not exactly being suede and casual about it, like what the fuck?" eddie started whining as soon as he sat down in his chair. richie picked at his hands, rubbing his finger and his palm together. richie knew who eddie was talking about, he sort of always had. richie and eddie had that kind of thing, they just knew.

"bill is stupid, you know that. he's oblivious and he won't realize it. just tell him you stupid fuck." richie had been giving eddie the same advice for a while now. it had always been about bill.

to be fair, eddie had been very obvious about his little crush on bill. however (and this might be what one calls irony) richie seemed to be the only person to notice. 

"i don't want to though, that's the problem. what if he's homophobic? worse, what if he likes me back? " eddie hissed at richie quietly. richie laughed at this, the way he always did.

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