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july 15/16

a/n: the fact that these are all filler chapters. have an all text chapter for fun. 

good morning ben !

beverly added selena to the group!

bill: does anyone wanna get pizza and hang out today

beverly: yessir

mike: i'm down!!

selena: yes yes yes also hi

richie: as the french say... Oui Oui

bill: good news this is good news

bill: i have a 2 for 1 pizza coupon that's why i asked

richie: bill getting those mf DEALS

eddie: my mommy would end me if i asked to go out again this week ✨✨ sorry

bill: that's ok!! i'll see u soon anyways, right?

eddie: yea

richie: 👁             👁

stan: i can come!

ben: i cannot :(

bill: okay :( well for those who can... meet me in front of le dominos on gelf street in an hour or two??

beverly: sick

richie: guys. i am bored with the normal names. can we switch it up in here

beverly: im interested... ?


selena: ????

richie changed eddie's name to party pooper

richie changed beverly's name to chick #1

richie changed selena's name to chick #2

chick #1: ah....

party pooper: FUCK

bill: wait i kinda wanna see what he'll put for me tho

richie changed bill's name to party pooper smoocher

party pooper smoocher: RICHIE

party pooper: i hate you so much, richie

richie: ❤️


richie changed stan's name to my favourite

chick #1: gay

my favourite: hm. thanks, but boring.

richie: tough crowd

richie changed my favourite✨'s name to bird

richie changed mike's name to MY FAV

richie changed ben's name to my fav fucker

my fav fucker: i. i have no words

MY FAV: thanks richie

chick #1 changed richie's name to arrested for beastiality

bird: i don't think that's how you spell that.

chick #2: what is that??

bird: its when a per--OH BEVERLY I HATE YOU!

timing : stozierWhere stories live. Discover now