367 18 6

august 24/25

"so, this is obviously a one bedroom condo, but uh, it can be suited for two people if need be," the owner made it to the door, gesturing around to the foyer, must more empty without the pre-set furniture, "it's pretty spacious, you know?". 

stanley was looking to move out of his apartment, and so richie had been looking at places as well. this place was, well, a fucking gem, if richie didn't say so himself. naturally, he'd went out and gotten it. stanley had still yet to find a place.

richie would have to be remiss to ignore how beautiful the place was. it was a little smaller than ideal, sure, but the sun came in the windows as the sun set and the walls turned from a cold white to a warm orange, as if the sun set it aflame. 

it felt like it could be a home. it was just missing something.

"yeah, haha, like i said, it'll probably be just me," richie mumbled, the owner nodding viciously the way she had every other time she'd brought up partnership. she'd been especially kind in agreeing to let a second person come under the contract of the space in the case that richie ended up in a relationship.

it was like she knew something he didn't.

the thing was, richie wasn't really expecting to have anyone new move in with him anytime soon. he wasn't crossing out the possibility, but unless he grew a new pair of balls, he didn't really see himself pouring his heart out to the one person who mattered most to him.

"well, you know, just in case! i'm not a genius but, uh, generally i don't see people looking into condo's made for two people unless they expect to move in with someone. but if not, obviously that's fine!" she continued, fishing her keys out of her pocket, putting a clipboard on the counter.

and she was right, of course, but richie wasn't sure exactly how to communicate that. instead, he choked out a "yeah, well..." and looked at his feet. 

"okay, well, i'll leave you to getting comfortable, you said you're bringing your stuff over tomorrow?" the owner asked, richie nodding. she gave him a warm smile, picked up her clipboard and switched it out for the keys, giving them a last jingle, and left the condo. 

richie basked in the silence for a moment. 

he brought his phone out, scrolling quickly, as if time would run out on him. he called mike.

"heya, richie, what's up?"

"mike, can i tell you something?" he tapped his fingers against his side as he leaned against the counter. mike's silence was a yes, richie knew that, but he still continued to wait for a verbal response.

"mhm, of course," there it was, and richie felt as though mike had smashed a dam, the way henry had when they were little though. this dam, however, had been made to be broken.

"i-oh god-i love stan. still." richie spit the words out, hoping he wouldn't have to deal with the consequences. mike didn't gasp, he didn't reply for a second. 

when he did reply, it was "still?"

"i never stopped." richie did not have to clarify that even through axel, even through forgetting him, there was always something missing from him. and that something missing was stanley. the only thing that could make a home out of anywhere was stanley uris, and his stupid fucking voice.

"wow. i'm, uh, not really sure what to say." mike's voice was unsure, and richie didn't blame him. sort of uncharted territory, probably.

"yeah, i... i don't expect you to say anything i just... i needed to tell someone. i should tell him, uh, probably but i'm scared. can't blame me for that and i'm afraid he'll think i'm just latching onto him because he's being nice to me and i'm used to assholes like axel, but it's.. always been stanley." richie shut himself up, not used to wanting to be so sappy. it was the warm air flowing in through the window.

"i'm glad you could tell me, richie. and if it matters... i think you should tell him too." mike stayed quiet for a bit after that. richie gulped.

"thanks, mike. i love you. i... i'll talk to you later," richie said. 

mike smiled into his phone, "love you too, rich. talk soon."

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