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april 14/15

bill: eddie eddie eddie

eddie: whats up bill?

bill: come over 

eddie: today? right now?

bill: absolutely

eddie: okay?? let me ask my mom i might be over in an hour or two

bill: okay cool thank u

eddie was only a bit confused. nonetheless, he asked his mom immediately (who said yes) and started getting ready. there goes getting over bill, he supposed. he grabbed his clothes and a towel and head to the shower. 

while taking his shower, he continued to question bill's motives. what was going on with the two of them? 

out of the shower he sat on the towel on the toilet seat for a moment or two, if not just to collect his thoughts. it was probably just bill wanting to hang out with eddie platonically. as always. he got up, combing his hair straight and putting on a normal t-shirt. pulling on his jeans, he heard his phone buzz in his room. fully dressed, he went back to his room and picked up his phone again.

bill: so? good news?

eddie: yup

eddie: i'll leave soon if you want?

bill: absolutely i miss u

there it was again. something was different. or maybe eddie was just reading it differently?

either way, eddie was hauling his ass out the door. he was still putting on his jacket by the time he closed his front door. it was a short walk, about one block or so. and he was on his way, humming a song quietly. the april wind blew through eddie's nicely combed hair, but he wasn't upset about it. 

"hey eddie!" bill greeted eddie when eddie arrived, opening the door before he could even knock. eddie paused for a moment, stunned.

"hi bill," eddie replied, starstruck by how nice bill looked. i mean, he looked like he always did, hair down but pushed back just a little bit, a flannel and a t-shirt, but to eddie, that was simply gorgeous. 

"come in! we can go to my room, if you want." bill offered, a small content smirk forming on his face. 

"yeah, i'm down." eddie said simply, following bill mindlessly to his bedroom. bill asked how eddie's day had been and they engaged in casual conversation. 

"so, why am i here, exactly? like, i'm not complaining, but you don't normally... ask on impulse." eddie asked sweetly. they sat down in bill's room, bill turning on his xbox. bill spent a moment thinking, eddie shifting in his spot on the floor. 

"i..." bill avoided eddie's eye contact. "it's n-nuh-not the same playing smash b-b-by myself." was the answer he decided on, earning a small snicker from eddie.

"yeah, because i beat your ass every time we play together." eddie bumped bill's shoulder with his own, bill smirking and bumping back. 

"that's so not true! i'll k-kuh-kick your ass with kirby." bill argued, passing a controller to eddie, who took it and scoffed. bill crossed his legs.

"cheater! you just float up and pull that rock bullshit. straight cheating." eddie leaned back onto the foot of bill's bed. bill set up smash bros. watching eddie from the corner of his eye, where eddie was staring at bill, starstruck. a small, content smirk appeared on bill's face and he sat back, satisfied. 

"it's not cheating, it's s-suh-strategy." bill huffed back, the character selection menu appearing. eddie shook his head at bill. 

"liar." eddie took one of his hands and briefly backhand slapped bill's own hand, making bill's fingertips tingle, lit internally with stars. 

"l-luh-let the game show the results." bill replied, selecting kirby. eddie decided on link. they played competitively, bill doing something eddie considered, 'his focus face'. eddie got distracted for a moment, watching bill's face scrunch up. 

bill was too focused to worry about it, convinced he could beat eddie. it was rather easy at the moment, with eddie distracted. the computer generated foes weren't his main focus.

like eddie had said, bill took kirby, floated to the top of the screen and turned into a weight, falling and hitting link. eddie came back to the present, mashing buttons. 

"cm'ere, fucker!" eddie knocked his shoulders into bill's who giggled and fell over but kept playing, rolling back up and into eddie. eddie stayed still despite the hit, and began to attack bill (in the game). they settled still and bill put his head on eddie's shoulder, eddie's face heating up. 

"mm, i told you." eddie mumbled as bill's character flung off the screen quickly towards death. bill swore under his breath but stayed where he was, comfortable with eddie.

the game ended and eddie sniggered, "it's okay, you did good anyway." eddie lightly touched his head to bill's. bill smiled. 

eddie considered it. he considered kissing him. he considered following every want in his head to turn bill and kiss him. to turn to bill and putting his hands on bill's cheeks, bringing him closer to his face, to connect their lips. to feel the feelings he'd been dreaming of every night. to breathe in requited feelings from bill. bill's hands would travel and surprise eddie, and eddie might giggle-

no, no, he couldn't. he was overthinking every text. every head on shoulder. 

"i'm really g-guh-glad i know you, eddie." bill spoke softly, back on the character selection menu. this time he chose pikachu, eddie staying on link. eddie smiled, but didn't respond.

"watch your b-back this time, bucko." bill muttered, the game beginning again. 

a/n: i am so sorry this is so short consider it a filler chap

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