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may 14/15

a/n: this is a filler chap but i hope you're all doing well i'm incredibly thankful for every comment view and vote, you guys are the best <3

fucking losers

beverly: les fuckers, 

bill:  good morning bev

beverly: when is the picnic going to be?? we are at the start of a new month, i don't think april even existed, so when is our picnic

richie: i feel like we should leave it up to mike since yknow. it's. at his house.

beverly: tozier makes a good point

mike: good morning,

mike:  i think i'm free all days except mondays, so doesn't matter

richie: okie... can we cross tuesdays and thursdays off too?

beverly: yeah whats that

stanley: we have rehearsal.

beverly: oo yeah

bill: how about a friday then we all have a sleepover that would be dope

eddie: good morning

beverly: YES absolutely

bill: good morning eddie!

beverly: would that be allowed mike???

mike: yea let me go ask

beverly: can we all dress cute and take photos

richie: bev wants That friend group

eddie: as she should,,

beverly: i'm taking that as a yes

mike: okay so. this friday? cool

richie: edddiiiiieeee

eddie: tf u want

richie: i would like to come over. is that valid

eddie: right now?? what is with u bitches and ur spontaneity 

richie: ??? 

eddie: yeah probably     mum's out for the day just avoid the front door camera u know the drill

richie: sick !!!! On my way!

richie essentially hopped into a sweatshirt and jeans, and hurried out of the house. it was a saturday, so his parents couldn't be too mad. weekends were meant for fun. 

richie's plans for the day were as follows: go to eddie's house, maybe tell him about stanley finally, and (hopefully) sleep over at eddies, not that he'd told eddie. 

richie knocked viciously on eddie's back door, the door opening and richie's hand falling through the doorway. after gathering his balance, richie looked up to eddie.

"hello" eddie welcomed him in bluntly, as richie swaggered in. closing the door, eddie turned around to see richie lying on the island in his kitchen. 

"why do you always gravitate towards the kitchen?" eddie asked, richie shrugging and rolling over.

"it's my comfort spot. kitchens. no clue why." richie was now on his back, leaning his head back onto the island countertop. eddie smirked a little bit and hopped up onto the counter, swinging his legs.

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