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july 15/16

"good morning, baby. happy birthday," richie murmured, stanley stretching as he sat up. stanley hummed warmly, his eyes sleepy. richie had slept over for the night of stan's birthday.

"good morning, love." stan mumbled in response, leaning into richie. stanley wasn't quite sure where the nickname had really come from, but it was here now. 

"how did you sleep?" richie asked, pulling his fingers through stan's hair.

"you were in my dream, so, i slept fine." stanley responded, a smile creeping onto his face.

"you cheesy fuck," richie pecked stan's lips, "we have four hours until the other losers get here. what do you wanna do?" richie asked, curling a hair around his finger.

"we could watch a movie?" stanley suggested, his doe eyes closing softly in between each sentence. richie stared lovingly towards stan for a moment, before nodding his head. 

"sure." richie brought stan's laptop off his nightstand and put it at the end of the bed. stanley shuffled a little, cuddling closer to richie's touch. richie pulled him closer himself, and stanley sat up a little more. 

around half an hour later, the laptop lay closed on the floor next to the bed. stanley had climbed on top of richie, and they had been making out. stanley made the decision to put the laptop safely on the ground, and now he was kissing him aggressively, richie kissing back just as intensely. the two barely stopped to breathe, richie breathing through his nose a little funnily. 

stan's hand rested on richie's outer thigh, squeezing it lightly. richie smiled at the action, still kissing stan. their lips smacked loudly against each others, and stan's hand travelled to richie's inner thigh. richie's breath hitched, as with each kiss, stan's hand got further and further up. 

"is this okay?" stanley asked, breaking away from the kiss for the moment. richie's eyes fluttered open, and he stumbled over his words. 

"uh," richie shook his head nervously, "i'm sorry," he apologized preemptively, shrinking from beneath stanley. stan sat up, pulling richie up with him. he nodded. 

"no, it's okay! i'm so sorry, i get it." stanley soothed, removing his hand promptly and taking richie's hand in his own. 

"i'm sorry. i know it's your birthday, and—" richie began, stanley shaking his head to cut him off. 

"no, no, no, no. you don't ever owe me anything sexual, no matter what day it is. i'll wait until you're ready. i don't want to make you uncomfortable." stanley assured richie, who zoned out for a moment. richie came back and breathed out an agreement.

"okay. thank you." richie sighed in relief and leaned back, stanley holding his hands keeping him stable. stanley rubbed his thumb along richie's.

"of course. you tell me if anything ever makes you uncomfortable. do you wanna keep making out, or do you wanna finish watching the movie?" stanley replied, honestly concerned for the boy in front of him. 

"maybe make out for a little while, and then finish the movie?" richie giggled as he spoke, a warm smile on stan's face. richie kissed him gently, and stan eye's crinkled, him nodding. 

"sounds good to me." he said, his hand now comfortably on richie's waist. richie leaned in. 

"cake, cake! get your cake here!" mike announced, always the one to cut cakes at birthday parties. honestly, they didn't trust anyone else to cut it smoothly. eddie had tried, once, but beverly had said something and next thing the cake was a little smooshed everywhere. 

"ooh, coming mike!" beverly cheered, on her way over to the table. selena trailed behind her, holding her hand. the rest of the kids gathered around there as well, and richie pushed stanley forward.

"birthday boy gets the biggest slice," richie said, stan scoffing at him. he turned around. 

"i wish you'd stop calling me that," stanley commented, richie tickling his sides. stanley yelped, and richie laughed, shaking his head. 

"never, that's what you are, baby!" the nickname slipped out of richie's mouth, and he shut his mouth promptly after that. his ears lit up like a stop light, and eddie snickered a little. bill snickered with him. 

beverly grinned, and the whole room was silent for a moment, except for mike cutting the cake. selena looked to beverly, confused. 

"i'll tell you later." beverly muttered to selena, who nodded. ben yawned, and the room went back to normal. 

"alright, stan, is this okay?" mike asked, placing the slice of cake delicately on a plate. the plate went into stanley's hands, and he smiled gratefully. stanley sat down, the plate in his hands. richie soon sat down next to him, bumping the chair a little bit. 

"hey, ben, d-duh-does stan have..." bill trailed off, bumping ben a little. ben looked at stan and saw a hickey, just barely covered by his shirt. it didn't surprise them, but more so confirmed their suspicions. 

"yup. seems about right." ben laughed with bill, the two getting their own slices of cake. ben thanked mike, the two having a silent moment. it was a little awkward, honestly. ben took his cake and sat down. 

"you fucking cheater!" eddie screamed. he kicked richie with his foot, richie unaffected entirely. 

richie chuckled, "i'm not cheating, eds!" he replied, leaning further back into stanley. he showed stan his own deck of uno cards, since stan wasn't playing. stan was playing with richie, to an extent. stanley's arms were wrapped around richie, and yeah, maybe richie was looking over a little bit. 

"i just saw you look at my fucking cards!" eddie retaliated, the other kids laughing at eddie's anger. richie dropped his jaw, pretending to be shocked. 

"i did no such thing!! right, stan?" richie said, nudging stanley. stan, who had just whispered the colours eddie had in richie's ear, looked up.

"absolutely right. he hasn't done anything." stanley said, not even a single sign of guilt on his face. he smiled. mike laughed, knowing both of them were definitely lying. eddie huffed, and sat back, keeping his cards from richie's line of vision. 

richie placed down a +4, and considering it for a moment, "blue."

eddie, who had no blues, and had to take 4 new cards, groaned, "i hate the both of you, you know? and as a pair? a pair of downright shitters, i tell you. shitting cheaters." eddie grumbled, bill putting an arm out towards him. 

"eddie, it's j-juh-just uno" bill said, rubbing an arm up and down eddie's arm. eddie had a trace of an annoyed smile on his face.

"i know," he huffed, the smile taking over his face. 

"things are getting heated here at the uno championships," selena announced using a speaker voice that reminded stan of when richie used to do voice. beverly giggled at her, totally enthralled. she pecked her lips, selena blushing a little red and smiling. 

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