596 27 125

december 23/24

a/n: i just want to say shoutout to u guys fr supporting this book but i find it so funny that this book is as popular as it is, just because we're only NOW reaching the main plot line. anyway. enjoy this short chapter ! ( hi i messed up the ages so i'm editing )

richie kept repeating it in his head.

reheat. dishes. stovetop.

his mind just kept wandering. he walked to the fridge on the balls of his feet, taking out the glass container, and lightly putting it in the microwave. thunk. waiting a second, he closed the door lightly and turned on the microwave. 7:00 minutes at 20%. next, dishes. he opened the dishwasher and pulled out the two trays of dishes. slowly, he started to unload the dishwasher, stacking the plates and the glasses. the loudest task, in richie's opinion. for that reason, it was also his least favourite.

he wanted to get done before axel woke up, you see, because he wanted axel to see how hard he had worked to clean the kitchen and get his dinner ready. yes, dinner. axel took naps after work.

it was a small dinner, but that was okay. richie didn't really have all that much time to cook on the weekdays, between writing and booking shows, as well as cleaning. richie wasn't obligated to clean, but he found it relaxing. he checked the microwave. 4:00 minutes left. with all the dishes put away, he put the trays back into the dishwasher softly, and closed it. he took a sponge and some soap, and began to scrub at the stovetop. there were remnants of yesterday's spaghetti, and, was that, last week's bread? oh well.

richie got caught up in his thoughts scrubbing the stovetop, and he had to snap himself back into reality. he squeezed the sponge of soap and began to wash down the stovetop, drying it with a hand-cloth. he backed away and sighed, the oven significantly cleaner than before. the sigh was of relief, and he leaned back against the counter.


richie jumped, the sound of the microwave scaring him. if anyone else had seen him, they might have thought an invisible person smacked him up the side of the head. he turned straight on the balls of his feet and scrambled to the microwave.


he pressed the stop button, the noise screaming in his head. he brought his shoulders up, almost flinching, expecting the third beep. or maybe he was expecting something different. either way, he relaxed after a second. he heard movement in the other room, and he knew axel had woken up. richie took the leftovers out and put them on a plate quickly, and took out a fork.

"you okay, richie? you look a little startled," axel walked into the kitchen, looking around, impressed. he flattened out his shirt.

richie nodded shakily, and he had to tell himself to talk. he took a deep breath in, "yeah. the microwave scared me a little bit," he laughed nervously. "here's your dinner, by the way." he said, handing axel the plate.

"thanks, babe. are you sure you're okay? the microwave's not going to hurt you, i promise," axel took the plate gently and put one of his hands on richie's shoulder. richie's shoulders relaxed finally. "and... did you clean the kitchen? it looks wonderful." axel looked around once more. richie nodded, exuberant that axel had noticed.

richie had always been a sucker for praise.

"well, y'know, you work such a long day at work, and i don't want to disturb you while you're sleeping, so i figured i'd clean it. i'm glad you like it." richie said, a smile wide on his face. axel smiled as well. "and i uh, i found some old bread on the stove, even though that was from like, last week, so that was funny." richie added, trailing off as he saw axel walk into the other room. axel nodded vaguely, though richie could tell he hadn't really heard what he had said. richie followed axel into the dining room.

well, it wasn't really a dining room, considering they had an apartment. it was also the living room, and if need be, the guest bedroom.

"thank you, richie. for dinner, for cleaning, the works. this was very sweet of you," axel kissed richie briefly and began to eat, richie smiling.

"yeah, well, only the best for the best. i love you." richie giggled softly to axel, who smiled back.

"i love you too, babe." axel replied happily. richie sighed contently. richie played with his fingers. richie stood up briefly, to grab the bowl of cereal he had left in the kitchen for himself. he sat back down at the table, and watched axel for a second. axel noticed him looking and blinked, richie giggling for some unknown reason. 

axel shook his head and went back to eating his dinner.

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