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january 14/15 

a/n: short chap 😳

"bill, come here." was the first thing beverly said when she saw him. bill's mom had let them into the house and eddie and bev had headed to bill's room. when they opened the door, a red, puffy-eyed bill turned to look at them. a frown sat on bill's face, and beverly opened her arms.

bill got up and hugged her. beverly rubbed her hand on his back. he let go of beverly and turned to eddie. bill hugged eddie, who simply hugged back. bill let out a choked cry on eddie's shoulder, who ran his fingers through bill's hair.

"i'm sorry. you didn't deserve that." eddie mumbled in bill's ear, turning his head towards bill's neck. bill nodded subtly, still crying. beverly made a face to eddie, who frowned. they'd never seen bill this sad. 

"c'mon bill, let's sit down." eddie moved bill (who was still clinging to eddie) onto his bed, and they both sat down. beverly rubbed her hand on bill's back. he finally let go of eddie, and sat up straight against his headboard. eddie reached and wiped the tears from bill's face. 

"i-i... kn-kn-new  it w-wuh-w-was c-cuh...c-coming.." crying was making bill's stutter much worse, and it took him a long time to say full sentences. there were long pauses between each word as he sniffled. eddie and bev moved closer to comfort him. 

bill took eddie's hand and eddie squeezed it, bill still trying to get out words. 

"i j-juh-juh-just... d-didn't ex-exp-uh-expect..." bill decided to not say more, considering beverly didn't know. 

it was true, he had expected stan to break up with him. he had noticed him shivering at bill's touches and holding back. he just hadn't figured out why. something had gone wrong, bill must have done something wrong, but he didn't know what. but stan had cheated on him? with richie? bill's world was fucking crumbling. what had he done wrong? stan had insisted it wasn't richie's fault, that he even got mad at stan for it. did richie feel bad? why hadn't richie come to bill? when was it? when had it happened? how long did stan lie to him for? 

the worst part? he still didn't want to lose stan over this. he wanted to at least still be friends with stan. and richie. bill didn't want to be the reason their friend group fell apart. 

"you deserve better than him anyway" beverly said, attempting to comfort. it wasn't exactly her strong suit. 

bill nodded sadly and lied down, putting his head in eddie's lap. eddie combed his fingers through bill's hair, letting go of his hand. bill was mainly done crying and he closed his eyes. beverly shared a look with eddie. 

"it'll get better, bill. i promise." eddie whispered, bill sighing.

"i d-duh... don't know wh-wh-why he-" bill started to cry again, stopping himself from saying anymore. eddie wiped the tears from bill's cheeks and beverly took one of bill's hands.

"wh-whuh-what is so un-n... unloveable  ab-buh-bout me?" bill said quietly. eddie sighed.

"bill, listen to me," bill opened his eyes and looked into eddie's eyes, "nothing. nothing about you is unloveable. you're incredibly loveable, but that's not the point. this isn't your fault. you deserve to be loved without having to hide the parts of yourself that you think are unloveable. somebody can and will love you for everything you are, good and bad." eddie said, a small, thankful smile appearing on bill's face.

"who knows, maybe somebody already does. you just have to find them." beverly chimed in, watching eddie take such gentle care with bill. 

eddie: what the fuck is wrong with you richie

richie: please hear me out

eddie: fine

richie: i didn't start it. i know that doesn't excuse it but stan started it and i got a hold of my senses and pushed him off

eddie: YOU FUCKED HIM!!!???

richie: no i didn't??? eddie,, stan only kissed me that was all holy shit

eddie: oh thank god

eddie: but seriously. what the fuck, richie

richie: u have to believe me eds, i didn't want him to kiss me

eddie: but why didn't u tell bill?

richie: i was scared he was going to hate me. 

eddie: when did it happen?

richie: new years 

richie: turns out i didn't lose after all

eddie: wait what the fuck how what

richie: bill got sick cuz lactose intolerance like. ten minutes before the new year and stan was panicking cuz he couldn't find him and i was like "just tell him to lie duh" and then the tv started counting down and he fucking kissed me and i was like What the fuck did u just do and he started panicking and he felt bad and he almost cried and i was just like shut the fuck up ur boyfriends vomiting go comfort him 

eddie: holy

richie: and then i visited him the next night and he was crying eddie he felt so bad. have u ever seen stan cry? its cuz he DOESNT but he was crying and panicking and he didn't want to be a cheater and i was like 'u have to break up w him' and so i guess he did. 

eddie: i'm going to kill stan

richie: eddie please he didn't mean to

eddie: the fuck do u mean?? he broke bill's heart, used you, and he's going to split our fucking friend group cuz of it

richie: i know

eddie: richie you know i love you but your love for stan is blinding u

eddie: he's being a grade a asshole

richie: i know

richie: so what do we do

eddie: i don't know

richie: does bill know it was me

eddie: yea

richie: does bev know it was me

eddie: bev doesn't even know stan cheated 

eddie: bill doesn't want people to know

richie: ok

eddie: i'm trusting that ur not throwing stan under the bus rich

richie: i'm not i promise

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