710 29 46

august 15/16

a/n: HEY. HEY YOU catraae  YOURE SUPER COOL AND I HOPE YOURE DOING WELL!!!!!!!! this one is for you :-) sorry about how angry richie is in this chapter.

richie grumbled something at his mom, hardly an answer, as he walked up to his room. his mother sassed him, but he didn't care. he really couldn't care about anything happening at the moment. it was all purposeless anyway, seeing as he was going to be leaving in a couple days to get on a plane and be gone, so what did anything matter?

richie wasn't feeling great.

lonely losers

no rights added bill to the group!

bev changed no rights's name to richie

richie: can u guys hang out today

eddie: i have to hang out with my mom today

richie: the entire day?

eddie: yeah grocery shopping, other errands, and then movie night

richie: oh

bev: lemme ask my aunt

eddie: i'm sorry :/

richie: its ok

bill: this gc exists??

richie: answer the question bill

bill: idk my parents are pretty pissed at me rn but i can see

richie: thank you

bev: she said she'd think about it

richie: wtf does that mean

bev: that she'll think about it

bill: i cannot ask my parents are still far too pissed

richie: could u make it up to them and then ask

bill: no

bev: why are they pissed

bill: haha,,,, uh.....,,, no reason

bev: well now u have to tell us

bill: they found out i'm gay

bill: not necessarily homophobic. just. um. something else

bev: BILL......................

richie: how what

bill: they caught me with a boy now shut up

bev: 👁 👁

richie: could u sneak out or something today

bill: no there is. a watch on me.

richie: okay :((((

bev: richieeeee i'm sorry i don't think i can either

richie: fuck

richie: its alright don't worry about it.

"god, why do i even bother," richie muttered to himself, scoffing. he sat down on his bed, putting his head in his hands. he felt so angry. everything was so angering. it was a saturday, and richie had already watched stanley leave to go to the synagogue with his family from his window.

his room was a mess. he'd be ashamed to have them over, anyway. there were piles of clothes littering the floor, and a blanket and some cords he was supposed to put away. he stood up, walking over to the closet. he looked at his laundry hamper, knowing what he should do. instead of that, however, he grabbed a zip up hoodie and sat back down. he put on the hoodie and fully zipped it up.

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