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december 23/24 

i hate it here

roy: boys are we doing anything for christmas

axel: lmfao do you wanna have a sappy get together

roy: wtf no

axel: didn't think so 

axel: i'm just spending the day with richie

francis: uh i don't have any plans

richie: what axel said i'm just with him

jamie: kathy is gonna be with her family so i'm alone

richie: wouldn't you be going with her?

jamie: nah her parents hate me

richie: ????

jamie: idk why 

"so i get you all to myself from the 20th to the 30th, right?" axel chuckled, richie turning around in his chair. axel reached his hands out to richie, who slowly took them. richie sighed quietly, knowing it would mean 10 days of feeling alone, axel either at work, in the bedroom, or just not being there. richie felt bad for thinking it.

richie found himself feeling bad for thinking things quite often, but that had happened for so long that it became a process, a step-by-step guide in his head to follow.

"yup," richie replied, being pulled out of his chair by axel, who grabbed him by the hips. his fingers tightened around richie's hips, and richie's arms instinctively ended up over axel's shoulders. he looked into axel's eyes, looking for something. whatever he was looking for (he wasn't sure), it wasn't there. 

"thank god," axel growled, and richie thought that maybe it was an attempt at being sultry, but if it was, richie would've laughed. he didn't, of course. "you've been hanging out with your other friends so much," axel's hand tightened, and richie felt his nails through the fabric of his shirt. 

"i've hung out with them once this week, axe, that's it," richie rebutted, immediately shrinking into his own shirt. axel scoffed, and richie regretted everything he had ever said. why did he say that? he knew this was coming, it's his fucking fault.

"so what, you think i'm the bad guy? you want to spend the rest of your life with them?" axel spit back, richie thinking something so bad he wouldn't even dare to mutter by himself. pushing the thought out of his head, he came up with a new answer.

"no, i'm just saying you make things such big deals when they aren't," richie replied hesitantly, knowing he was in a rough spot but he couldn't stop the words forming in his throat.

"god, you're so dramatic, richie. why are you being so fucking defensive?" axel asked, pushing away richie's hips a little. richie bit his tongue.

"i-i'm sorry, i just--" richie began to apologize, falling into the second step of this dance they shared. 

"this isn't worth it. i don't wanna argue this, richie." axel sighed softly. richie built up courage and leaned forward to kiss him. 

"then don't, axe. i love you." richie didn't want this, he didn't want to have to apologize to axel like this through nothing but what felt like performative affection. either way, it worked, as axel kissed him again, rougher. 

"mmph--i love you too," axel replied, richie disconnecting their lips and putting his head on axel's chest. axel sighed quietly and put his hand on richie's back. 

"you're a good boy, richie." axel muttered into his ear. richie relaxed. 

maybe richie had just been overthinking recently. he was happy with axel, right? he was just overthinking it now that he had seen stanley again. 

wait. where had stanley come from? richie hadn't thought about stan at all, why would it matter? it wouldn't matter! right? no, richie was just overthinking everything axel had been saying and doing. 

i hate it here

jamie: guys seriously 

roy: what what do u want

jamie: roy. francisco.

jamie: can we get fucked on christmas

roy: i'm christian man

jamie: idc

jamie: man christmas eve????? 

roy: .....

roy: if francis comes.


francis: SURE. LETS DO IT.

roy: oh alright fine


axel: you guys are dumb as hell

jamie: you know i will be live texting the groupchat

axel: and i will have my do not disturb on, skull fucking richie

richie: ?<R?$%<T>$?RE<>^$?<^%?>$<%$ WHAT THE FUCK

roy: man was that uncalled for jesus christ

jamie: god i wish i could relate

axel: you wish you were skull fucking my fiancee???????

jamie: no i wish i was having sex on christmas eve

francis: me too

roy: you guys are just such losers

francis: shut up man you're not getting any either

roy: yeah but i have a girlfrined

jamie: YOU DO????????

roy: i do and i tell you so every month or so and you all forget about it

richie: if it helps roy i didn't forget

richie: her name is anya

roy: thanks richie

francis: i got no clue how richie remembers all this shit i can barely remember your names

axel: yeah, we know, man. 

"how do you remember all that stuff? how good is your memory?" axel asked. the two of them had now moved to a couch, where richie was lying on axel, his head on axel's chest. he was acutely aware of how loud axel's heartbeat was in his ear. 

"uh, i don't know. it's not great, but names are normally easy for me. people are easy. events... not so much." richie mumbled his response, playing with axel's fingers.

"interesting." axel replied.

richie was vaguely aware of a feeling of deja-vu in his stomach, like he'd told axel this and he'd forgotten. richie sighed and closed his eyes.

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