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march 14/15

stan: i hate you.

richie: whoa whoa what?

stan: i listened to 100 gecs more because i was curious, and i like it. it has grown on me.


richie: also stanny i know you use proper punctuation but that period made me shit my pants

stan: sorry, but i abide by english rules.

richie: loser

stan: you know it.

richie: okay but this is such a W for me

stan: an involuntary W, but a W nonetheless.

richie: that cannot be a rule of english

stan: fuck. 

richie: hnnnnnghh Come Over i am bored

stan: but then i would have to sneak into your window... too much effort.

richie: staniel, pwease? 

richie: i will reward you...

stan: with what?

richie: cuddles,,, and perhaps, a kith? if u like?

stan: what is a kith?

richie: ... do i really have to say it?

richie: a kiss  stan,, i'll kiss u if u come over . if u want that

stan: your grammar astounds me

richie: so?

stan: yes, i'm coming over for cuddles, 

stan: and maybe a kiss.

richie: richie tozier gets off on a good one! 

richie: okay unlocking my window now u know the deal

soon enough, stan was on the roof of richie's house next to his window. richie beamed, pushing his window aside. stan smiled and fit himself into the window. richie took stan's hand and pulled him into the room. 

"hey," richie greeted, "i've missed you..." he whined, stan rolling his eyes. the moment stan was fully in the room richie was wrapping his arms around him, stan awkwardly trying to take off his shoes.

"it's been a day, rich. what are you, my boyfriend?" stanley scoffed, his shoes pulled off and kicked onto the floor. nonetheless, he hugged back. richie pulled him onto the bed, stan falling on top of richie. they both giggled, and richie let out a little snort.

"i know, but it's been so long since i've gotten affection." richie thought for a moment, "especially from you, babes." richie joked, stan still lying flat on richie. stan snickered and rolled off richie. but richie rolled back over onto stanley, lying down with his head on stan's chest. he wrapped his arms around stan's neck and stan's arms wrapped around his back. 

"i missed you too... and this" stan mumbled into richie's hair. it was true. stan had missed affection in general, but having it come from richie was special. 

it's cause he's my best friend, right?

and richie? this was amazing. his heart was beating out of his chest (stan could tell) all because stanley uris' hands were on his back. 

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