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march 14/15

richie ignored tristan for the rest of the month praying he would piss off. he made remarks at richie in the hall every couple days, but richie knew how to ignore him. richie showed up at school after the fight with sunglasses (he had one pair of prescription sunglasses, he still hadn't told him mom about his broken glasses), both to cover his black, only slightly less swollen eye, and to be able to see. his friends questioned it, but richie dusted it off.

beverly had asked, "what the fuck did you do?" and richie had responded, "i kicked tristan's ass." she had yelled at him for about two minutes about how stupid he was, but she felt a little loved that richie defended her.

eddie had asked hesitantly, "was it your dad?" and richie had laughed, "no, eds. i got myself in a little trouble with a whiny asshole, no worries." eddie gave him a big hug afterwards, and told him he looked a little badass with the sunglasses.

mike had asked, "richie, you okay?" and richie had kissed mike on the cheek and said, "i am, no worries mike." and mike had simply smiled.

ben had asked, "who did that?" and richie put a hand on his shoulder and replied, "no one you need to worry about" and ben rolled his eyes.

bill hadn't asked, he knew richie wouldn't tell him anything. instead he raised his eyebrow at him during a lunch when richie took off the sunglasses for a moment and revealed the fucked up eye. richie looked up at bill and mouthed, "i'm okay".

stan already knew, obviously. richie had eventually revealed to stan that it was tristan who hit him, and stan now held a grudge against tristan. but he hadn't asked when he saw the sunglasses. instead he had checked up on richie, putting his hand against richie's arm and asking, "does it hurt any less?" and richie put his hand against stan's. "all better now that you're here, baby." is what richie muttered back, stan going red.

"we're in public, rich." stan mumbled back, walking away. richie snickered.

after school, richie went over to stan's, despite his parents wanting him home right away that day. his mom and dad hadn't noticed the black eye (courtesy of sunglasses) but they had said that to him early in the morning. richie ended up lying in stan's lap, stan running his fingers through richie's hair. richie was on his phone, and stan was listening to richie hum.

eddie: hi hi

richie: good day sir

eddie: can i talk/whine to you about bill

richie: u know it

eddie: i held his hand a while ago


eddie: let me speak

eddie: and it was really nice but i don't know how to do anything cuz he's still like. recovering.

richie: i mean like. all u can do is be there fr him and wait for him to get better i guess?

eddie: i know and i've been doing that for so long i just

richie: also take this into though

richie: this is high school. nothing matters,, so just shoot ur shot and die maybe

eddie: how do you know that? that nothing matters

richie: i don't

richie: but you'll live on and have more chances for love

eddie: i know but i think i love him

richie: but wait if he held ur hand isn't that a good thing??? like he likes u back???

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