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july 13/14

two weeks later, stanley and bill were officially dating. while it initially made beverly very happy, she began to realize what was going on. after being invited to many hang-outs and being inducted into their friend group, she noticed the habits of richie and eddie. speaking of whom, they came around to beverly. she grew on them, and especially richie and beverly became closer.

with bill and stan together, there was definitely tension between all of them. with richie basically out to stan, the two stopped being so close, and eddie took over as richie's best friend. eddie stayed close with bill, but he would be lying to say it wasn't painful to hear bill talk about stan so lovingly. 

and the worst part? they were sort of a cute couple.

"so, i wanna introduce you guys to my friend ben, he's really nice, and i think you guys would all get along. gay shit, and all that." beverly remarked one day, while they were all at bill's. they were down in his garage, and it was weirdly quiet.

"ben! he's the tubster, right?" richie asked in response, eddie smacking him for saying that. richie raised his hands, "sorry! 'tis simply the truth!" he laughed to himself.

"yea, he's a bit of a haystack, but he's a sweetheart." beverly got distracted as she spoke, looking down to see a message from tristan. she giggled to herself at his message and opened her phone.

"what's got you g-g-guh-giggling? or sh-shuh-should i say who?" bill asked from his corner in the garage. stan was sitting on his lap, bill's arms wrapped around stan's waist. bill was mumbling things to stan every now and then, making stan laugh. bill would also leave kisses on the back of stan's neck, and richie and eddie were trying their hardest not to watch.

"oh, nobody, it's fine." beverly replied, knowing stan (and all of them, really) would be confused and upset if they found out it was tristan.

tristann.15: are you a parking ticket? because you've got fine written all over you!

bevthebitch: i cannot believe you just used a pickup line on me

tristann.15: well? did it work?

bevthebitch: no it didn't, dumbass

bevthebitch: you've got to try harder than that

tristann.15: hmm... good to know.

"beverly's got a crush?" stan teased, winking at beverly. she shook her head, scoffing at him. 

"oh shut up, stan." beverly said. richie tip-toed behind beverly, but before he could get a look at her phone she turned and pushed him, falling to the ground.

richie laughed as he hit the ground, sticking his hands out behind him. 

"fuck, bev!" richie exclaimed, still laughing. he used a horrible accent, "you 'it me on me arm! bevvie how could ya!" richie laughed at himself, though no one laughed with him.

"you stupid fuck," stan sighed, watching as richie got up from the ground, smirking. richie's smirk faltered for a moment as he saw stan giggle at bill kissing the back of his neck, but his smile appeared once again.

he turned to eddie, who was clenching his fist and looking to the ground. richie snickered, he looks like arthur, he thought. 

richie pulled earbuds out of his pocket, which were already connected to his phone. he untangled them as the others spoke, and put them in his ears. pressing play on his normal playlist (which was really just a collection of his music taste that was to show eddie), he immediately started tapping his fingers on his thigh to the beat of the song. 

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