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july 15/16

a/n: me, never having read mixtape because i was scared of the emotions reading these comments: haha yeah i agree

ben waited at the kitchen door a moment, listening.

"you're so wrong!" stanley yelled, surprised and yet also disappointed immediately. his jaw hung open, his arms open.

"i'm literally not wrong at all!" richie argued back, his eyebrows furrowed.

"you've gotta be kidding me" stanley muttered, letting out a laugh in disbelief. he put his hand to his forehead and looked down.

ben walked in the kitchen, swinging the door open and looking at the two of them, stanley sitting on the counter, richie leaning against the sink.

"hey, ben, would you say the glabella is the sexiest part of the body?" stan asked ben, who froze in his spot. his hand was on the handle of the fridge, and he raised an eyebrow.

"what... what is the glabella?" ben questioned, stan immediately waving his arms up and down at ben.

"MY FUCKING POINT EXACTLY!" stanley argued to richie, who rolled his eyes. stan sighed loudly.

"he's just not enough of an intellectual to know!" richie responded, ben putting a hand over his heart.

"ouch" ben mumbled, opening the fridge. he reached a hand in, looking for a bottle of soda.

"if you told him what it is, he'd agree," richie continued, crossing his arms.

stan hopped off the counter and turned to ben, "the glabella is the space between your eyebrows," he said, ben's eyebrows twisting upwards in confusion.

"that is not the sexiest body part." ben pulled out the glass bottle in his hand, a little involved with this spat between richie and stan.

"see?" stanley proved his point, now leaning against the counter opposite richie.

"he's wrong. you're both wrong. when i see eddie's mom's glabella, i get rock hard" richie replied simply, fighting a smile on his face. he raised his eyebrows, but his lips kept twitching upward. the three of them sat silence for a while, stanley's mouth agape again.

"you're fucking with me." stan sighed, pinching his nose with his thumb and pointer finger.

"i am not—" richie cut himself off with a grin, "yeah i'm fucking with you." he laughed, stan shaking his head, but smiling nonetheless.

ben went to leave the kitchen, but turned back for a second, "so wait, what are your guys real answers to that question?" he asked. richie bounced off the counter and walked closer to where stan and ben were.

"thighs," stan said, in a matter-of-fact sort of way.

"it's a three way tie, ass, hands, and if they got tits, tiddies." richie answered, proud of his answer.

"you're so weird, richie" ben remarked, almost about to turn around to leave.

"that's my charm, haystack" richie winked, sliding an arm innocuously around stan's waist. his hand closed around stan's hip, who rolled his eyes.

"so? what was happening in there?" beverly asked the moment ben walked downstairs. ben laughed to himself, opening the bottle he was holding.

he took a sip of his soda, "they were arguing about what the sexiest body part was" he replied.

"what?" bill asked, confused like the rest of them. they all looked around to each other.

"yeah exactly." ben chuckled.

"sounds like them," eddie commented, having knowledge none of the other teens did.

"anything else?" beverly asked, elbowing ben. ben capped his bottle.

"well i dunno, richie said that the glabella on eddie's mom made him rock hard and.." ben thought about the arm that snuck around stan. he thought about how warmly stan had smiled at richie. "thats it." ben said, sitting back.

"damn it." beverly lied flat on her back.

"i think you guys wanting to spy on them is creepy, for the record," mike added, shaking his head. eddie nodded to what mike was saying.

"it's not spying on them... it's finding out if they're secretly dating. and it's their fault for going to get water and then never coming back. we had to see what was happening!!" beverly said, throwing her hands up.

"sure..." mike sighed.

after ben left, stanley turned to richie, putting his hands on richie's shoulders. he blew air out his nose at richie, who smiled.

"i can't believe you," stan sighed, leaning back in richie's grip as richie's hands snaked around stan's waist.

"you know, your glabella is pretty sexy, too" richie said, winking egregiously. stan laughed breathily.

"thanks, hot stuff" stan joked, playfully pushing richie away with his hand while blinking quickly. richie's grin just spread to the rest of his face.

he gasped, "gosh, you think i'm hot?" he feigned almost fainting, which made stanley giggle.

"stop iiiit, they could be listening..." stan put a finger to richie's lips, the two of them fading into silence.

they burst out in laughter, both their smiles extremely wide. every time they tried to stop laughing it would just make it worse.

"i have a secret for you, stan" richie wiggled his eyebrows at stan, who leaned in.

"oh? and what's that?" stan asked.

"i like you," richie confided, as if it was an unknown secret.

stanley gasped loudly and put a hand to his forehead. "you mean... like-like?" he widened his eyes, dropping his jaw in such surprise.

"like like," richie said, nodding solemnly.

"richie... i shouldn't..." stan put a hand over his face dramatically, "but i like-like you too!" the two of them gasped together, holding in laughs.

"is this... love?" richie asked tenderly, stan smiling warmly.

stan pecked his lips and took richie's hand, "c'mon, let's get back to them before they think we're fucking again." he said. richie smiled too and followed along with him.

"probably sent ben as a spy..." richie commented, just before they walked down the stairs. stan exhaled out of his nose, agreeing.

they let go of each other's hands as they reached the bottom of the stairs. they entered the room, richie immediately pointing at beverly. she put her hands up on instinct.

"BEVERLY MARSH! selena update, NOW." he demanded, her smiling and nodding excitedly.

"i've been on three dates with her now! we really like each other, and i'm gonna ask her to be my girlfriend next date. she kisses really well, too. added bonus." she gushed, the boys celebrating with her.

"this is a W! can i get a W!" richie chanted, the others joining in.

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