825 35 70

june 15/16

normally, both of stanley's parents left for work early in the morning while stan was still sleeping. they had got new hours this year, which made having people over much easier.

in said morning, stanley woke up first, to the sun coming in through the window. it was bright, and it heated the room through, no longer a cool summer night. stanley felt himself overheating with the combination of richie's body heat, the sun, and the comforter. he slowly pried richie off of him without waking him up, and got up to sit at his desk.

he started on a letter to his grandma but soon got bored, checking his phone.

mom: hey honey! when did richie get here? and do i need to buy condoms for you two? i know you probably don't want the talk LOL but i can at least point you towards safe sex! text me when you wake up ❤️

stanley blushed red immediately, snickering to himself. he texted back.

stanley: we are not having sex. thanks mom. he got here last night. dad doesn't know, right?

mom: if you say so! i am okay with it, i just want you guys to be safe! not that you can have babies... NO STDS! and no, i don't think he would take it so well. love you.

stan sighed and tucked a particularly long strand of hair behind his ear. looking around, he decided to take a shower.

richie was still asleep, his mouth slightly open and breathing rather heavily through his nose. his legs had been pulled up to his chest sometime while he was sleeping. his arms, previously wrapped around stan, were sticking straight out on the bed.

the sunlight flooding in through the window made it so bright that when richie did wake up, he was immediately blinded by the bright light. he turned around, and only then did he remember where he was. stan wasn't in the bed, and by the sounds, richie guessed he was in the shower. richie felt rather hot, and wouldn't have minded a shower himself. but instead, he sat up in the bed and grabbed his phone off the nightstand.

fucking losers

richie: hello carnival crew can we do a lot of stuff this summer

eddie: carnival crew???

richie: i dunno i liked the flow of it

beverly: yes yes we have to do so much stuff!!!

mike: do you guys want to have a stargazing night over here? we could sleep in the living room afterwards. the sky has been clear here recently

beverly: YES

richie: PLEASE

bill: you guys know you're all welcome at my house anytime

ben: good morning everyone

bill: good morning ben!!

beverly: gooooooood morning!

mike: gm ben !


eddie: good morning ben

mike: where's stan? isn't he a morning person?

richie: he's taking a shower

beverly: oh? you in there with him?

eddie: shsgshgshs bev


richie: i hate you ❤️

bill: that wasn't an answer

richie: no 💔 perverts

mike: well tell him to hurry up so he can text ben good morning


ben: staaaaan! good morning

mike changed the groupchat name to good morning ben!

richie: the shower is still running. what u doin stan

stan: i physically got out of the shower for this.

beverly: i think it was worth it

richie: now that everyone is awake let's do stuff like EVERY DAY of summer

richie: not a moment to waste

eddie: that sounds so fucking exhausting

richie: :(((((((

beverly: WE WILL, RICHIE.

mike: threatening.

the door opened and in came stanley, his hair dripping wet. richie would be lying if he had a couple of... thoughts when he first saw stan walk in the room.

"good morning rich" there it was, that raspy voice that richie just melted to. stanley had taken his clothes into the bathroom and was therefore fully clothed when he walked into the bedroom, but holy fuck!

"you look good." richie muttered, internally face palming the moment he said it. yeah, they'd say stuff like that to each other, but god, richie sounded like he was being domestically lovey-dovey.

"thanks, you look a little sweaty." stan snickered at himself and put his laundry in the basket, sitting down on the bed. richie rolled his eyes (for once) and wrapped his arms around stan.

"and yet you love me anyways," richie sloppily kissed stanley on the cheek. stan smiled for a second.

"richie, you wanna know the truth?" stanley spoke quietly and looked to the ground, rather than at richie. his hand ghosted over richie's and richie took it.

"uh, i don't know about what, but yeah," richie said running his thumb over stan's.

"i can't be in a relationship with you rich, 'cause my dad found out about me and bill. it didn't... go well. i thought he was just mildly homophobic, the normal amount or what have you, but..." stanley trailed off, and richie squeezed his hand.

"i'm so sorry." richie replied, pretty much speechless.

"it's okay. i just can't risk it again. i really, really, really like you, richie. but he'll kick me out, honest." stanley's breathing staggered a little thinking about it.

"when was this? what did he do the first time? and how did he find out, anyway? if you want to say," richie sat up straighter and tilted stan's head up with a finger under the chin.

"i guess a work friend saw us out somewhere and told him. it was sometime in november. every gathering after that, my dad was extremely wary of me and made me promise bill wasn't there. my mom is fine with it, so you know. and he didn't do anything... like... bad, i guess. i've just never seen him so angry." stanley answered, looking into richie's eyes. richie nodded along sadly.

"i know what you mean. i'm really sorry. you don't deserve that. i understand that. and-and i wanna apologize for yesterday. i was, god, all fucked up, for essentially no reason, and i-i'm sorry." richie apologized, stanley shaking his head.

"no, i'm glad you came to me. i wouldn't have wanted you to go through whatever you were going through alone. and, i'm not gonna press further because you aren't going to tell me, but if you do want to, i will listen." stanley tapped his fingers on richie's hand. richie nodded lovingly.

"so... is your mom homophobic, too?" richie asked, stan shaking his head.

"no, actually she..." stan thought for a moment on whether to tell richie what his mom had said, "she was supportive of it. but she loves him so she won't leave him."

"okay. phew, i like your mom." richie said, holding back from the mom jokes. stanley turned his head to richie, kissing him gently.

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