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may 14/15

"you know you don't have to be here, right? i feel bad." eddie said for what must have been the fourth time. eddie was sitting at a library computer, bill next to him. bill's legs were propped up on eddie's lap, and eddie was typing. 

"no, i w-wuh-wanted to be here. you're my favourite. y-yuh-you know that. what homework are you d-duh-doing?" bill replied, leaning back on his chair. he could have been with the rest of the losers, it was lunch, but eddie had an essay to put finishing touches on and print. they had gone to the library without telling the others. 

they were surprisingly alone in the library. there was barely anyone around, and they had sat in the farthest corner. 

"thanks, bill," eddie blushed a little at bill calling him his favourite, "it's an english essay. it's technically late, but she thinks she just lost it and wants me to reprint it" eddie mumbled, typing rapidly on the computer. bill nodded, despite the fact eddie couldn't really see it. bill looked down to his phone.

richie: billy the boob where are u and eddie?????

richie: don't tell me you're making out.... 

richie: UNLESS????? ANSWER ME

bill: i cannot believe you called me billy the boob. that is block worthy

richie: sowwy,,, are you guys smooching??

bill: shut up no we're just in the library

richie: boring. smooch him. 

bill: fuck u

richie: u wish u could

scoffing a little bit at richie's humour, he looked back up at eddie. did he want to be kissing eddie right now? the thought gave him small butterflies.

"oh fuck. what's the word for like, when you throw someone out a window, what's the term for that?" eddie turned to bill and spoke, and bill smiled in his small trance.

"def-fuh-fenestrate," eddie nodded at the word bill gave him and turned back to the computer, giving bill a small second look. bill kept gazing at eddie. he was nice to look at. 

"thanks" eddie mumbled, his fingers speeding on the keyboard. bill took his feet and legs off of eddie's lap, accidentally hitting a table. cursing under his breath, he sat up straight. 

 eddie finished typing and clicked save aggressively, letting out a sigh of relief. eddie opened a different tab, typing something else in. bill guessed he was making his sources page. 

bill's hand wandered from his phone to eddie's arm. eddie smiled a little bit but didn't take his eyes off of the computer screen, assuming it was just a brush. but bill's hand stayed there, and eddie wasn't fighting it. the two of them hadn't discussed the day in bill's bedroom, and they hadn't planned on discussing it. 

eddie was in fact making a bibliography, switching from one tab to another rapidly. with one hand on eddie's arm, bill continued to look at his phone, checking the time quickly. they still had around twenty minutes of lunch left. eddie clicked a final tab or so, and then sat back in his chair. eddie put his own hand on top of bill's which was still on eddie's arm. bill looked up at this and smiled softly. they made eye contact, and before bill even spoke, a question had been asked. eddie's eyes looked into bill's then scanned the area. 

"can i... can i d-duh-do this?" bill hadn't moved, but eddie knew what he meant. eddie was first to lean in, laughing internally that his first kiss with bill would be in the school library. bill's heart sped up, and he leaned in a little too. eddie's eyes were darting everywhere, and bill wondered if he was doing something wrong. before he could worry about it, his eyes were closed gently.

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