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may 14/15

richie had just about been on his way to mike's house when stanley came running outside of his house to walk with richie. richie smiled and they walked together.

it was a good day for a picnic. it wasn't extremely hot, and it was even a little chilly. the sun was out though, but simply shined, rather than burning. it was a pretty long walk, but richie and stan found things to talk about. stanley was withholding every comment about how good richie looked, despite just wearing a hoodie and jeans. blue just was richie's colour. blue, beverly decided, was the colour theme of the picnic. they were all to wear blue in some way. stanley was wearing a blue button-up shirt with a v-neck sweater over it. he also had a beige tote bag over his shoulder. richie was staring strangely at stanley's outfit.

"did you... did you somehow steal the one dress shirt i own?" richie asked, looking at the collar of the shirt. stanley snickered and nodded. "when the fuck?" richie remarked, confused. 

"about two weeks ago, remember? we traded shirts because mine had the smell of marijuana because you fucking reeked?" stanley reminded him, shoving his hands in his dress pants pockets. richie laughed and nodded.

"oh shit, yeah. that makes sense. it don't really matter, anyway. you look cute as fuck in it, so it's whatever." richie shrugged it off, stanley rolling his eyes at richie's attempt at flirting. richie smiled and there was a moment of silence. richie sighed through his nose.

"madam?" richie looked to stanley, holding his hand out, opened to stan. they continued walking and stanley brought a hand out of his pocket. stan placed his hand over richie's palms, not intertwining their fingers.

"my hands are really clammy, sorry," stanley mumbled, richie intertwining their fingers anyway. 

"it's fine, stan" richie always had to ensure stan about little stuff like that. stanley had always been a little clammy. that hadn't stopped richie from liking him before. 

they showed up at mike's house a couple minutes later, and stanley let go of richie's hand by the time they were in the driveway. guess they weren't dating after all. 

"bev! you look so cute!" ben exclaimed when the two of them met up to walk to mike's. beverly had decided today was the day to dress up as cute as possible. wearing a tank top and a blue cardigan, the real star of her outfit were her ocean dyed jeans.

"thank you ben, i am fucking gorgeous. so are you. thus why we need to take photos today, or else." beverly responded, skipping up to him. enlacing her arm with ben's she pulled him along.

"bev, slow down, i can't keep up!" he was really being dragged along, so beverly stopped skipping.

"don't you want to get to your boyfriend's house as fast as possible?" she teased, ben grinning and sighing.

"shut up" he exhaled through his nose, beverly beaming. 

"how is that going, by the way?" she asked, patting ben on the back. ben rolled his eyes at her excitement.

"good, good. i really like him. we went on a coffee date and that was pretty cool. also the affection is nice. it's nice." ben answered, shrugging. beverly took that as an acceptable answer, and left the topic alone. 

"i'm glad you're happy, ben." beverly spoke genuinely, her tone having changed a little bit. 

"my loves!" beverly screamed upon seeing the other boys, abandoning ben for a second to run towards them and get a hug from each of them. ben laughed and walked up, taking mike's hand gently. 

"beverly, my dah-ling!" richie stretched out, grabbing her hands and attempting to waltz for a quick moment. waltzing wasn't something either of them did very well, so it ended up in a lot of feet being stepped on and lots of giggles. once they pulled apart, richie stumbled back into stanley, who caught him and pushed him back up. "thanks, doll." richie winked at stanley, who rolled his eyes. 

everyone else had arrived at that point, and they headed to the field. bill had a basket hanging off of his arm, and mike was holding a picnic blanket. inside stanley's tote bag were glasses and plates, as well as a plastic bag of cutlery. they found a place to sit down and mike unfolded the picnic blanket, everyone finding a small space to sit on it. bill opened his basket and took out many containers of food.

"is that grilled cheese?!" richie exclaimed, leaning over stanley to grab a wrapped grilled cheese. eddie snickered and threw the sandwich at richie before he could pick it up off the blanket.

"you're welcome, dickwad." eddie said, the seven of them laughing a little bit. richie shuffled back into his seat and lied down, his head on stanley's lap. stan's face turned a little red, but he didn't say anything. 

"now this is what i am talking about! can we get some cheers for mike for letting us come out here?" beverly suggested, bill pouring everyone a glass of water. ben watched as richie's cup (he had put it down on the grass) almost spilt into the blanket but ben snatched it up, dripping a single drop onto richie's face. richie snorted and took the glass from him. 

"to mike!" they cheered, clinking their glasses together in the middle. mike beamed, especially at ben, and they all took a drink of water. beverly then took out her phone and took some photos. the rest of them talked while beverly recorded.

"oh shit, bill, i forgot to tell you, i saw this big black dog on the way over here. you wanted me to tell you about dogs?" ben remembered, bill's eyes lighting up. bill nodded, "th-thuh-thank you so much."

bill had been collecting notes on dogs. anyway,

"so, how's theatre going? when is the show again?" mike asked richie and stanley, who both turned their heads. richie was mid bite of his grilled cheese, so he left it to stanley to answer.

"it's in the end of june, after school lets out. and it's alright. there's a couple untalented fucks, but we've got good leads," stanley ruffled richie's hair, "and it's pretty cool." stanley said, taking another sip of his water. 

"and i have to act straight, and kiss max, although she is dope." richie chimed in, swallowing his bite of the grilled cheese. stanley tensed up and scratched the back of his neck. 

"it's n-nuh-not like you don't like girls though..." bill wondered, richie shaking his head.

"yeah, but she's just a sick friend. so, i will be nice and professional, and give the lady a lovely little smooch." richie sat up, stanley pulling his own knees up to his chest. richie smirked, seeing stanley get uncomfortably jealous out of the corner of his eye. then he made eye contact with eddie, who was smirking as well.

"which max?" beverly asked, twirling her hair around her finger.

"mayfield. the other max's are boys, bevvie." richie answered, mocking her twirling her hair. beverly rolled her eyes and leaned back onto the grass. 

"that's fun, though. i can't wait to see you guys, you're going to be amazing." mike commented, rubbing his thumb over ben's.

"they are, trust me" ben smiled, having been watching their rehearsals from the booth in the theatre as production.

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